Neopan or Delta ???

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I am trying B&W again after many years. Will be using commercial D&P and am considering Ilford Delta and Fuji Neopan in 400.
Any views on which is best for general outdoor natural light work.
Cheers Adrian....
Another Delta fan here, though to be fair, I haven't used Neopan.

Couple of Delta 100 shots here:


For me the Ilford gets the nod as well. Not because it is "better" than the Fuji but because it is what I am used to.

Give both a try, choose the one you prefer and stick to it.

Probably less important if you will not be doing your own D&P but just as it is important to get used to your equipment so you know how it behaves under differing conditions and using it is second nature the same applies to the film.
I shot a test roll of Neopan CN in 35mm a few weeks ago, got it developed, printed and scanned in Asda for less than a fiver because it uses C-41 processing (ie colour print process). The scans are very low rent and have a pink tinge to them, but the negs and prints(at 7x5") are very good.

If you want a cheaper option then its well worth a try - film, develop and print under £7 for 36 exposures !

I've used Ilford Delta in 120 film - nice film, large tolerance for exposure.