New Gaming / General use monitor thinking 32" QHD Curved

Mr Bump

From under the bridge
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Anyone out there any thoughts?
Dont want to really go full 4k as my GC will start to run hard,
currently std ratio 27" HD 1920x1080
I went for a flat one (32" QHD) rather than curved because the curved ones can be a bugger for reflections depending on positioning and the screen coatings. I love it for gaming and photoshop.
I went for a flat one (32" QHD) rather than curved because the curved ones can be a bugger for reflections depending on positioning and the screen coatings. I love it for gaming and photoshop.
what model?
trying tokeep it a bit budget
Oh yes, games are much prettier, it’s a good deal more demanding though. My main game is guild wars 2 (world V world only) and originally the frame rate tanked in big fights so I had to reduce texture quantity to keep the fps up, then replaced my G card so ramped em up again ) you might have to resize the UI depending on the game. For photoshop it was all good, more space on screen, great colour rendition, my 27” Samsung was nice and sharp but the Benq beats it hands down.
what do you class as general use ?? I presume it is emails, web browsing and not photo editing.
what do you class as general use ?? I presume it is emails, web browsing and not photo editing.

oh yeah very light use for photo editing but i am no expert
grachics card is a zotac

Terrible spec through out

You would have to pay me £100 a day to use curved screen

And another £100 for a very low Res pixelated 32

Better donate the money to charity or pick up a normal spec.