New Laptop Observations

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Just treated myself to a new (refurbished) laptop on account of this one (i.e. the one I'm typing on now) is about ten years old, has become very slow, and is full up. So it was time. But it's going to take a while to swap everything over - I have lots of photos, obviously, but also tons of books, music, recordings, stories, songs, downloads, documents, programs etc etc. I've also treated myself to an Adobe subscription on account of that offer on Amazon that someone posted here. It's a luxury to be able to import my photos directly into LR without having to convert them to DNG first.

All of that aside, it means I'm running two laptops at the moment and what's become blindingly obvious is how much better photographs look on the new one. It's always been the case that just a slight angle of a laptop screen can make a lot of difference to the perceived brightness of an image one is looking at - and, of course, none of us know at what screen angle our viewers are using, or if they have correctly calibrated super-dooper screens (although I suspect most of the very few people looking at my photos are doing so on phones, present company excepted), so when we're processing our images we really have no accurate idea what the viewer is going to see. But, all that! Modern screens are so much better, so much more resolution and clarity and the colours are more vibrant. All of your images were good anyway, but now they're so much better :) I'm very impressed.

It's always been the case that just a slight angle of a laptop screen can make a lot of difference to the perceived brightness of an image one is looking at

That's the problem with TN screen technology and also it's more recent equivalent, VA which is also poor. Hopefully your new laptop has an IPS screen that's much less affecetd by viewing angles.

If I may make the suggestion, if you are editing on the laptop and have no calibration device, turn down screen brightness a bit so that colours etc aren't popping out of the screen. It will make your photos a little less exciting, but also more compatible with a wider range of screens and settings.

BTW congrats on the new laptop, I hope it makes use a lot more pleasant.
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