New (old) camera

Andrew Blundred
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Finally purchased a Canon EOS 5 35mm camera with grip and remote. Now looking forward to shooting.

What is the general perception of this camera?
Welcome aboard - bought one myself about a month ago.

Current impressions are it's rock solid (now i've fixed the 2 standard problems - the control dial sticking and the onboard flash sticking down - hey - the camera was cheap because of the 2 faults, and I was reasonably confident I could sort it for pennies - and did).

Only done a couple of rolls of film so far through it, but first one was mainly a test reel - metering seems pretty much right on the money. AF feels a wee bit clunky in comparison to my more modern Digi SLR, but it gets it right (if the operator doesnt donald duck it up:LOL:)

Didn't get the grip - does it improve the handling of the camera at all? I know it's not an additional battery like other grip systems, just a portrait grip and duplicate controls, so it's all down to how the camera balances as to if I'll bother looking for one on fleabay.
So far I am impressed. I went for a 'gripped' model as I am used to the functionality of a grip on my digi.

Happy to say that there seems no signs of the typical gremlins that are associated with these camera's such as the command dial etc.

Looking forward to shooting with this camera.