New Old Film challenge #211 - TENTS Poll added

Vote for your 3 favourites for 3 days

  • Peter B - Assynt Games tent

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • dmb - blurry beer tent

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Fishy fish- Circus tent

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Peter Spencer - tents in car park

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • droj - Macpac Minaret tent

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Boots - tented community

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • The Oldun - Blyth Battery tents

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Raglansurf - Awning accident

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Christ- Skye 1968 tent

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Peter B

Double Numpty
Edit My Images
Following on from #210 on Festivals, this weekend's Glastonbury will be a sea of tents. I'm looking for your film photos of tents from the smallest bivvy up to the largest Big Top, via all sorts of tepees, yurts and whatever inbetween.

As usual the following rules apply:
- Must be taken by you
- Must be on film
- Must have been taken, developed and scanned prior to the start date of this challenge.
- Discussion in the discussion thread (link below) rather than this Entries thread, please.
- Shoehorning and even Crowbars are positively encouraged!

Please include details of the camera, lens, emulsion and anything else of relevance if you can possibly remember that far back.

One Entry per person
Entries close at 1800 on 30th June 2023 (or thereabouts), then there’ll be 3 days for the poll after that. (if I can manage as I'm at this year's Boat Festival!)

Please keep all discussion and chit chat in the discussion thread. Here.
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After the Assynt Games crowd have gone, there's the unrewarding task of taking down the big tent where the bakery and produce stands were housed. (or was it the beer tent? :beer:) A rare photo from the Fuji GSW690 that I never bonded with, and also a rare outing with Tri-X before prices took off.

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Tents on beachside car park, Cahore, County Wexford, 1963. Halina 35X, probably Ilford HP3.. This must have been a weekend I think as the place was dead during the week.


We were there to make a film about rural Ireland. No idea what happened to the film, maybe school still have it.
My Macpac Minaret tent in Vigadale on Harris after a couple of days in the hills, 1996. A pasta supper is on the stove. The next morning I would shoulder my backpack again and hitch to Tarbert to catch the ferry back to Uig on Skye. Nikon FM2n, 50mm Nikkor, Sensia 100. Digitised with a Nikon LS-2000 multipass SCSI scanner.


As a footnote, either on or off the hill I carried my camera in a Billingham CP pouch - good gear, I still have one!
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Skye, 1968.

CB68A16_Adj Sprite plus tent.jpg

Taken with my Werra 1, Tessar 50/2.8 lens, exposure guessed from inside the packet of FP4 (not FP4 PLUS, IIRC). Looks to be slightly over-exposed. Took quite some work to track down the original scan (this version was migrated from Aperture to C1Pro in 2019), but it's no better.

Came to Skye for a week or so with a friend from Uni, first year after graduating. That's my Sprite Mk 2 behind the tent. You might note the lack of door handles, and the removable sliding windows. Slide the windows and reach inside to open the door! Luckily it had a gearbox lock. No synchro on 1st gear though, so getting out of Elgol was a challenge. We had great weather, but I heard on the radio about storms in Somerset, so found myself in a phone box on Skye phoning my parents to check they were not getting flooded out!
Excellent spread of votes for this one, but @ChrisR shot of tent and Sprite was the cream of the crop. Well done to all.
Thanks folks. I thought we'd established that an over-exposed shot with added flare wasn't going to win the sympathy vote by adding a few lines of background, but I'm not complaining! Except I'll now have think up another challenge...