New Old Film Challenge #239 - Museum

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Post your shot of anything related to "museum", interior, exterior, exhibits, conservation, whatever. Of course shoehorning is positively encouraged!

As usual the following rules apply:

- Must be taken by you
- Must be on film
- Must have been taken, developed and scanned prior to the start date of this challenge.
- Discussion in the discussion thread (link below) rather than this Entries thread, please.

Please include details of the camera, lens, film etc and anything else of relevance if you can possibly remember that far back.

One Entry per person only.

Entries close at midnight on Wednesday 10th July 2024, to be followed by the poll which will run for 3 days.

Please keep all discussion and comments in the "new old film discussion thread" -
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Ooh, shoehorn alert!

The Old Fulling Mill, Durham. Which as people almost certainly know is below Durham Cathedral. Which people will also know is part of the Durham Castle and Cathedral UNESCO World Heritage Site. Which as we all know are virtually museums! Ta Da!

Durham Fulling Mill.jpg

Canon F-1
Canon FD 35-70 f/4 (probably)
Kodachrome 200

1987 (probably)
Radcliffe Camera, Oxford.

I 'think' it qualifies as a museum. Certainly, it is open to the public at certain times and you have to pay to go in, so...

Taken earlier this year on a day-trip to Oxford with my daughter.

Minolta X-500 + Ilford XP2 + Minolta 24/2.8

Radcliffe Camera by Kell, on Flickr
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Penny Farthing in Coventry Transport Museum, part of the history of the cycle, with which Coventry is so much associated!

1805EPMXBW17_Adj Penny farthing.jpg

Tri-X in a Pentax MX, lens unknown.