New old film challenge #27 - Water - entries thread

Please vote for your favourite "water" image. You may vote up to three times.

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Here we go with the next challenge. Since it's a holiday period I thought I'd choose something not too taxing and quite broad, so the subject is "Water" - which you can interpret as you wish, so your image could be of the sea, a river, a waterfall, a drop of water coming out of the tap, or anything in between.

The rules are that the image has to be taken by you before now, be on film, and be posted here before Monday 4th January.

There's a discussion thread here
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City of Arts and Sciences, Seville. Leica M6, with Summarit-M 35mm f/2.5 lens. Kodak Ektar.

Dithered about this a lot, but I've decided on this boy in the floods in Kenilworth in December 2012, staring at something just out of shot...

Probably my ancient Pentax ME (but might be my first MX), with the now-departed Tamron 28-50mm zoom, Delta 400.
Well where I live there is gallons of water and the area should be called the Lake district (all ex gravel pits) and have taking loads of lake shots over the years erm but they are just nice and nothing outstanding, so something that might be interesting is the barge coming through the lock:-
Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham, taken on a cheapo Russian TLR imitation of a Rolleiflex called Lubitel. Kodachrome 64 as I recall.

water - CHP.jpg

(Please excuse the odd spot - this was a transparency commercially digitised and for some reason I didn't blitz the dust bugs in Photoshop).
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I don't seem to have many photos with water in them, but this is my favourite of the few that do. Was my 8th roll of film I ever shot, and was on a trip to Cornwall for my birthday in March 2014,

Taken on my Mamiya C220 with the 80mm f/2.8 lens, on Ektar 100.

Botallack Mines
by Carl Hall, on Flickr

edit: please excuse the watermark, I uploaded this to Flikr before I decided I couldn't be bothered with watermarks any more haha.
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sorry, messed this up a bit. Easier mid afternoon than 4 am new year's day..
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That is Skiddaw btw or it would wastwater in the foreground and no boat which looks more like this from 1988 with Olympus OM2sp this is not my entry

Spot on Alf, thanks for pointing that out!
I had it right in the Flickr description, but screwed the title up!
I can only plead oldtimers disease, (or it could have been the spell checker!) :D
Wow, thanks folks. I'll put my thinking cap on, bit late tonight!
Brilliant, well done Chris.
Well I protest because you got sympathy votes because of the floods oop north...only joking, congrats
Thanks everyone. I suspect the shot appealed to the hidden urchin in all of us!