New source of B&W film

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The company trading as Second Hand Darkroom Supplies has acquired a quantity of 35mm B&W film in bulk rolls (400 feet) and are respooling it into 36 exp cassettes. It is apparently a version of FP4 (not the '+' version) They are selling it at £2.99 per cassette! I bought a couple of rolls to try and it isn't bad at all! It is branded as FP4 type 517 cine film, and the lack of edge numbering supports this. The film base is almost without a colour tint which further supports the information that it was cine film branded by ILFORD as FP4 type 517.

It may have been a special emulsion made for the Military, I have looked on the internet for type 517 with no luck. The recommended speed is 100iso and there is a development sheet that comes with it. The time for development in ID11 is significantly longer. The roll I developed was diluted 1-1 ID11 and the time recommended is 18minutes at 20c, although I used my JOBO rotary that reduced the time by around 15% time meaning it was 15 min 23 seconds. The development time is just about spot on for me with good shadow detail and no densely blocked highlights.

I have not printed any yet, but just scanned it, and found it didn't take kindly to the scanning process with exaggerated grain, although it looked very sharp! It would about on par with Kentmere 100, or if you can remember that far back, Kodak Plus X. This was through an enlarger using a Peak Grain enlarging aid, so I have lashed out and ordered 20.more.
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