New to film


David Sullivan
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Have taken the plunge into the world of film, while in Scotland the other week I got myself a used Canon EOS 50, went for it so I could use my current lens line up, I have never shot film on a 35mm SLR before, only old film compacts so it all is new to me, the main reason for getting it is to go to the basics while learning landscapes, so I can improve my eye for composition ect.

Hoping you guys can give some insight into where is the best places to get film, and what type will be best for landscapes, also any recommendations on developing, or is it worth trying to do that myself (or is that too much when just starting out with film), have been hitting Google but its all going above my head at the moment....

If I have any success with the world of film I would like to move up to Medium Format eventually, but need to get the basics down first I think.

Thanks for any help and advice you can give, and on a final note did I make the right choice with the EOS 50?

Have taken the plunge into the world of film, while in Scotland the other week I got myself a used Canon EOS 50, went for it so I could use my current lens line up, I have never shot film on a 35mm SLR before, only old film compacts so it all is new to me, the main reason for getting it is to go to the basics while learning landscapes, so I can improve my eye for composition ect.

I've been doing something similar over the last month or so - bought a EOS 5 film camera on fleabay, mainly as a way to force myself to slow down and make every shot count - trying to get it right in the camera wherever possible.

Hoping you guys can give some insight into where is the best places to get film, and what type will be best for landscapes, also any recommendations on developing, or is it worth trying to do that myself (or is that too much when just starting out with film), have been hitting Google but its all going above my head at the moment....

I ran a couple of rolls of C41 process black and white through the camera first, mainly because a) I wanted some BnW shots and b) I wanted to check that the metering etc of the camera was somewhere near to what I was used to with the EOS450D. Now i'm happy with that I've grabbed a range of films, a selection of the Ilford BnW's, a roll of Kodachrome (while it's still here), and a couple of rolls of Fuji Sensia transparency. All of these came from 7Dayshop, as they seemed pretty reasonable prices. I'm hoping to have a go at processing my own BnW stuff soon - probably scanning the negs and printing via computer as i've no room for a darkroom.

If I have any success with the world of film I would like to move up to Medium Format eventually, but need to get the basics down first I think.

Sounds reasonable to me - but then it's what i've done, so I would say that, wouldn't I ;)

Thanks for any help and advice you can give, and on a final note did I make the right choice with the EOS 50?

Was it the right choice? I don't know - makes sense to buy something you can share lenses on, thats for sure. We'll only know for sure when you post some pictures, won't we:naughty:
I bought a lot of film from there a couple of weeks ago and can reccomend it, I asked if it could be posted asap as I wanted it to take on holiday and they (he, rather, I assume it's just run by one person) was really helpful :)
Thanks Guys, will have a look at the links, have run a colour film I got thrown in for free when I got it, not the best as the the weather was not the best sky wise. So the vibrancy was not there, will get some more done so in good conditions, if such a thing exists.
Try silverprint for film as well. That shop above does seem slightly pricey.

Have a look on ebay as well for expired film. you can get good deals there. If the film has been cooled appropriately it should be fine.

Try silverprint for film as well. That shop above does seem slightly pricey.

Have a look on ebay as well for expired film. you can get good deals there. If the film has been cooled appropriately it should be fine.


Thanks, will look into that as well.
Kodak Portra is quite good and isn't too expensive. I've picked up five rolls of 35mm 160iso on ebay for £12 which is pretty good. You can get UC, VC & NC. The 1st is the most saturated, the last the least.

Deciding what films you like is down to taste. Although I have never found anyone that claims to like Kodak Gold. :D
Kodak Portra is quite good and isn't too expensive. I've picked up five rolls of 35mm 160iso on ebay for £12 which is pretty good. You can get UC, VC & NC. The 1st is the most saturated, the last the least.

Deciding what films you like is down to taste. Although I have never found anyone that claims to like Kodak Gold. :D

Thanks, will take a look at those, have a colour film in at the moment that came with the camera, and have 2 rolls of Ilford B&W to go in to give them a try.