Beginner Newbie 'what lens' questions

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Happy Sunday all! I have a Nikon D5100 and would like to get a couple of lenses to give me more opportunities to use the big camera. Want to spend as little as possible (don't we all!?!) as I want to be sure I can find the time to use the kit before upgraded lenses (and camera!). SIgma and Tamron seem to be at the more affordable end of things, but I have no preference / bias.

Two goals:

1. Birdwatching - I expect I will need 600mm but beyond that I'm confused
2. Macro - Particularly for watches, hifi and automotive close-up/details

Any advice greatly appreciated - I will put out a Wanted post once I know what I'm looking for, but if you have anything you think is suitable then please let me know

Thank you!
I agree with GreenNinja67 on the Sigma 150-600 contemporary. I got a second hand one and used it on a D5300 for a year or so until I decided that I wanted a faster auto focus camera. I still use the 150-600 C on a D500.