Nickbee's 2024 52 - Week 23 Vegetable

I tried with the bees too but gave up on them a lot quicker than you, so fair play!
Great pics, I really like the 2nd one as much as the first
Yup, I'm with you that the composition of your chosen shot does stand out. Nice one. I'm also with you on running aroud trying to get a decent shot... did exactly the same and I didn't even come up with a decent one!
A good set, and I really like your chosen shot.
Thank you

Nice set Nick. At least you weren't shooting film :D
Can you imagine! That would be a whole different ball game.

Nice Holly blue, Def best of the 3
Thanks. I didn't know what it was until after I took the photo so this has been a learning experience.

I tried with the bees too but gave up on them a lot quicker than you, so fair play!
Great pics, I really like the 2nd one as much as the first
It seemed easier to carry on than think up a new idea, The butterfly turned up by luck! I originally went to post the second shot, it was a last minute decision.

Yup, I'm with you that the composition of your chosen shot does stand out. Nice one. I'm also with you on running aroud trying to get a decent shot... did exactly the same and I didn't even come up with a decent one!
They never stop moving! Also someone else commented that they shoot insects in overcast conditions so the reflections aren't as disruptive, I'll remember that for next time,

Very nice indeed. Very sharp.
Thanks Bob, I got there in the end.
Week 23 - Vegetables

Week 23 - Vegetables by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

I waited all week to give myself the chance to think up something cool and never did. But what's cooler than cool? Ice cold.
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