Nickbee's 2024 52 - Week 36: Tools (including catchup)

I tried with the bees too but gave up on them a lot quicker than you, so fair play!
Great pics, I really like the 2nd one as much as the first
Yup, I'm with you that the composition of your chosen shot does stand out. Nice one. I'm also with you on running aroud trying to get a decent shot... did exactly the same and I didn't even come up with a decent one!
A good set, and I really like your chosen shot.
Thank you

Nice set Nick. At least you weren't shooting film :D
Can you imagine! That would be a whole different ball game.

Nice Holly blue, Def best of the 3
Thanks. I didn't know what it was until after I took the photo so this has been a learning experience.

I tried with the bees too but gave up on them a lot quicker than you, so fair play!
Great pics, I really like the 2nd one as much as the first
It seemed easier to carry on than think up a new idea, The butterfly turned up by luck! I originally went to post the second shot, it was a last minute decision.

Yup, I'm with you that the composition of your chosen shot does stand out. Nice one. I'm also with you on running aroud trying to get a decent shot... did exactly the same and I didn't even come up with a decent one!
They never stop moving! Also someone else commented that they shoot insects in overcast conditions so the reflections aren't as disruptive, I'll remember that for next time,

Very nice indeed. Very sharp.
Thanks Bob, I got there in the end.
Week 23 - Vegetables

Week 23 - Vegetables by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

I waited all week to give myself the chance to think up something cool and never did. But what's cooler than cool? Ice cold.
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Week 24 - Decay

Week 24 - Decay by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

I'm feeling very uninspired at the moment. Tried a few things, some peeling paint came close. I think this was the best shot technically, shot with a 85mm and a macro tube, but especially full screen I find it slightly difficult to look at, like it's information overload. Maybe it needs more space. I tried mono but the decaying leaf got lost in the one behind.
Week 25 - Snapper's choice (plus tech - Minimalist) (I hope)

Week 25 - Snappers Choice (Minimalist) by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

I really struggled with the minimalist tech. Googling to see what constituted a minimalist photo, a lot of them just look like simple photos. I don't really get it, Anyway, I had to use Snapper's Choice to tick the box so here are some leaves shot against the evening sky.
A good catch up. Two clear ticks there. I think you could have push the concept for minimalist even further, but it certainly works.
Good use of snapper's Nick and some nice shots :)
Decay.. nice contrast you've spotted.
Snappers. Definitely fits the mimimalist bill for me.
Also fits the minimalist theme for me. I also have this issue with what is minimalist. It seems to be a very simple photo with not much going on. So maybe it overlaps with absract. Who knows?
Thank you @Boots @-Oy- @HelenC @BobBCN and sorry it's taken so long to respond. I'll follow my catchup with, er, another catch up. It's not going well.
Week 26 - Natural Abstract

Week 26 - Natural Abstracts by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

Well this topic was basically the blue screen of death for my brain. Zero inspiration, at least with the tools I have. Four weeks' thinking time and I eventually took a photo of a leaf.
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Week 27 - Light (plus contrasty tech)

Week 27 - Light by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

I took a photo of my car's taillight on the week but was waiting for abstract ideas. Whilst waiting I changed my mind and shot this detail of a lampshade instead.
Week 28 - Clouds (of tyre smoke)

Week 28 - Clouds by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

It was always going to be a Festival of Speed shoehorn. I couldn't get as nice a panning shot as I'd hoped for as the focus on my 85mm gave out and I had to shoot motorsport with the only other lens I had - a 28mm.
Fab Summer shot Nick!
Well, I went off on holiday at the end of July and didn't post whilst I was out there and then thought "I'll catch up when I'm back" and then I didn't. So here's a holiday half-catch up, each taken in the correct week and all with a mobile because I just couldn't be bothered to carry my SLR around.

Week 30: Drinks

Week 29 - Drinks by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

A vending machine at Parc Asterix near Paris. It was sweltering and the boissons fraiches were very welcome.

Week 31: Bridge

Week 30 - Bridge by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

I logged in to find out the week's topic just after we left Lausanne, which has a large number of very impressive bridges. At the opposite end of the bridge scale is this one, beneath the funicular railway in Thonon les Bains on the shores of Lac Leman.

Week 32: Hot

Week 32: Hot by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

OK, this one wasn't taken specifically with the theme in mind but it's hot, and people are swimming in Lac Leman to avoid the hotness. Leman ("Lake Geneva") is huge. That furthest shoreline you can see is about 20 miles away, and that's the closer end of the lake from the point I was standing. I should note that you very nearly got a shot of me skinny dipping so count yourselves lucky.

Week 33: Song

Week 33: Song (Orange Coloured Sky) by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

Google tells me that Nat King Cole sang a song called Orange Coloured Sky, which means I can shoehorn this in very nicely. This is sunset over Lac Leman by the way, with Evian in the distant foreground and Switzerland beyond.

That's all for now. Thanks for looking.
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More catching up.

Week 34 - Cutlery

Week 34 - Cutlery by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

My Dad has a museum-quality collection of antique silver, so one phonecall saw me in possession of four dognose spoons. Manufactured by Alexander Forbes in Edinburgh in 1706, they are engraved with the crest and motto of the Walkinshaw family of Barrowfield and Camlachie. John Walkinshaw was a member of the gentry who was arrested after taking part in the Jacobite rebellion of 1715 but who escaped Stirling castle and fled to France. However, the most famous member of the family was his daughter Clementina who was Bonnie Prince Charlie's mistress and mother to his only acknowledged child. History lesson over, I'm reasonably please with how his turned out on my windowsill studio.

Week 35 - Snapper's Choice

Week 35 - Choice by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

This was inspired by the old Micro Machines computer games where you race round furniture and household objects. I wanted to take it all the way back in week 5 but didn't get round to it - just as well as now it fits nicely with the panning tech. In hindsight I might have liked a more colourful car.

Week 36: Tools

Week 36: Tools by nickbrotherston, on Flickr

Meh, totally uninspired but I can't wait any longer as I need to get cracking on this week's theme.
Cutlery - theres a first, never heard of dognose spoons before. good use of the windowsill!