Nikon D3200 - Good enough for scanning negs?

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I have access to an 'old' DSLR, a Nikon D3200. As I'll be viewing mostly on screen and if i do print, no larger than A5, will it do? For printing anything larger I'll use my dedicated scanner.
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It has a 24 megapixel sensor, so I expect you'll be more than fine. As long as you have a good quality macro lens (or means to achieve macro magnification) and you are able to focus properly on the negatives, then you should be good to go. I presume you'll be using some equipment to hold and illuminate the negs and keep the camera steady?
It has a 24 megapixel sensor, so I expect you'll be more than fine. As long as you have a good quality macro lens (or means to achieve macro magnification) and you are able to focus properly on the negatives, then you should be good to go. I presume you'll be using some equipment to hold and illuminate the negs and keep the camera steady?

I've inherited literally thousands of 120 & 35mm negs and I want digitise a lot of them. The idea is to put this on a semi permanent setup and leave it there untill I'm done.

I have a proper copy stand and what I think is a decent macro lens, Tamron SP 90mm.

All I need now is a way of converting them.
I've inherited literally thousands of 120 & 35mm negs and I want digitise a lot of them. The idea is to put this on a semi permanent setup and leave it there untill I'm done.

I have a proper copy stand and what I think is a decent macro lens, Tamron SP 90mm.

All I need now is a way of converting them.
If you have a recent version of Lightroom, then Negative Lab Pro is a good piece of software and you can convert both colour and black and white with it if you choose to. There's a trial version that allows about a dozen full conversions if you want to try before you buy.
You might not even need 3rd party software if you have LR.

You can invert the image using the point curve in the tone curve section.

I've just given the below a trial run and it works. The only caveat being that then all your sliders work the wrong way around. i.e. if you want to increase Exposure, you have to drag left.

I'd say select them all, do a batch invert, then re-import. But that's just me.


I've just t
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