Nikon D800......

Cheers, just registered the camera and lens. Do you know if you get the NPU pack automatically if you register 2 products? It seems that way going on their site.
Yeah, that's where I was reading on it. It seems to suggest you get an email asking if you want to join, I only got one asking me to confirm registration. It might come through yet.
Don't get overly excited, NPU can't even distribute membership cards ATM (well in the last year even!).
Yeah, that's where I was reading on it. It seems to suggest you get an email asking if you want to join, I only got one asking me to confirm registration. It might come through yet.

If you don't get an email I'd give them a ring.

I just found this number in an old renewal email: Nikon Professional Support - 0800 652 9580, select option 3. (I'm not sure if it'll work dialling direct from Ireland though :thinking:).
Cheers, I'll give them a day or two ... then ring and scream "WHERE'S MY PACK!" ;)

Have to say, I can't stop handling the camera since I got it. I have the missus drove nuts. She'll be watching tv and I'll be taking sneaky shots of her - I say sneaky, the shutter on this thing has some clatter! much louder than my D90. If I have one initial complaint, it's that Q mode should mean quiet. If they could dampen it more somehow. It's still as loud, you just get to hold off on the return slap. Which is actually the quieter part.
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Cheers, I'll give them a day or two ... then ring and scream "WHERE'S MY PACK!" ;)


:LOL::LOL::LOL: Two years since qualifying for NPU status, and three phone calls later, and I still haven't received mine, so please don't hold your breath.

Really nice people when you speak to them, though! Enjoy the camera, but don't let the membership pack worry you.
Cheers, I'll give them a day or two ... then ring and scream "WHERE'S MY PACK!" ;)

Have to say, I can't stop handling the camera since I got it. I have the missus drove nuts. She'll be watching tv and I'll be taking sneaky shots of her - I say sneaky, the shutter on this thing has some clatter! much louder than my D90. If I have one initial complaint, it's that Q mode should mean quiet. If they could dampen it more somehow. It's still as loud, you just get to hold off on the return slap. Which is actually the quieter part.

Lol sounds like my girlfriend. I've even sent her on a trip around london to try and get a good deal on UK stock from the likes of cameraworld, grays of westminster and jessops etc!
My 24-70 2.8 arrived today, what a beauty! I really feel spoiled now.

It's a fairly heavy combination, considering the size of the lens. 1.8KG between body & lens.

Unfortunately it's dull, threatening to lash down and I'm stuck in with the kids while herself is off shopping. Not much interesting here to photograph,
No idea on that lens. Just that you will [obviously] get a much greater field of view over what your D90 gave ;) You're going to love it. But you're going to be lost for a bit, as a lot of button controls have switched around. You'll see what I mean.
Anyone found the body easy to scrape.
Ive already taken the paint of the corner and have only used it out the house for two days and its not bumped anything.
Seems to have been where my blackrapid was rubbing on it, thats all i can put it down to anyway.
Anyone found the body easy to scrape.
Ive already taken the paint of the corner and have only used it out the house for two days and its not bumped anything.
Seems to have been where my blackrapid was rubbing on it, thats all i can put it down to anyway.

Probably the blackrapid as you say as someone else on here has noticed something similar but with a 5D mk iii, using the same strap.
I've been using my BR-sports trap last 2 days with it and no scrapes here. Doesn't look like the type of finish that will scrape away easily.
wow its noisy compared to my D90
Love the results
had a quick try with 50mm 180 F2.8 and 300F4 and very impressed
also bought the "kit" lens 24-85 VR and its a real cracker
fell like a kid with a new toy, not bad for a late 50er
off to Oulton Park tomorrow to give it a real try out.

Just a thought
if the compact flash slot was configured as back up (copy) and was slower than the SD card for data speeds would it default to the slowest speed or would it keep up with highest/ primary card and then transfer across when load is lower?
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wow its noisy compared to my D90
Love the results
had a quick try with 50mm 180 F2.8 and 300F4 and very impressed
also bought the "kit" lens 24-85 VR and its a real cracker
fell like a kid with a new toy, not bad for a late 50er
off to Oulton Park tomorrow to give it a real try out.

Just a thought
if the compact flash slot was configured as back up (copy) and was slower than the SD card for data speeds would it default to the slowest speed or would it keep up with highest/ primary card and then transfer across when load is lower? in audible rather than graphical I hope?
Used the D800 the past week whilst on holiday and it produces some nice files that can be tortured pretty extensively. Still not that impressed with the 24-70 and 70-200 VR II when I compared it to shooting with the M9. I'll maybe try renting a G prime or two and see how it fares.
Used the D800 the past week whilst on holiday and it produces some nice files that can be tortured pretty extensively. Still not that impressed with the 24-70 and 70-200 VR II when I compared it to shooting with the M9. I'll maybe try renting a G prime or two and see how it fares.

Why whats wrong with it compared to the M9?
Leica users always over rate their little babies :p

What do you mean by noisy Chrisbie? The shutter slap I imagine, which is very loud indeed. Other than that it shouldn't be making any noises :D
Why whats wrong with it compared to the M9?

I don't know if it is the CCD sensor of the M9 and the lack of AA filter and the glass, or all three, but I'd suspect a little bit of them all play a part. Using a prime on the M9 vs a Nikon zoom wasn't a fair comparison yet. I did use the Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 and that was nice stopped down. I'm glad I only rented the 24-70 though as now I know it isn't what I'm looking for. The D800 is nice though, needs a grip maybe with the longer lenses to make it chunkier and easier to hold.

Leica users always over rate their little babies :p

What do you mean by noisy Chrisbie? The shutter slap I imagine, which is very loud indeed. Other than that it shouldn't be making any noises :D

I've got them both though. You've never even used a rangefinder, let alone a Leica.
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I don't know any of those. If you were trying to hint that I was one, well you really don't know how to gauge people. I was tempted by the 5D mkIII the other day, as it's a very nice body. I just bought what I had read across the net was better and the fact it's a little bit of a nicer cam to hold.

I could buy a Leica tomorrow. I just wouldn't be bothered. Way too much money for what I see as being no better than a dslr.
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I honestly cannot decide between the D800 and the D800E version. I'd probably be more than happy with the results from the D800 but I know for a fact I'd keep saying to myself "could have got the E one which is slightly sharper for a few hundred more".

My current plan is to sell/trade my D300s + MB-10 grip and 18-200 VR lens for a nikon 105mm VR macro + 50mm F1.4 lens regardless of which body I ultimately get, but its just so damn hard deciding. I love shooting macro and general close up stuff and the D800E is reportedly better for that, yet I also enjoy wildlife photography, especially birds, where I'd probably see moire on feathers. Speaking of bird photography, with the difference in price between the bodies I could put the cash into a longer lens setup, so its all swings and roundabouts!

Any advice?

Once you PP the D800 and sharpen them etc it can be quite hard to tell between the two cameras. Some say the D800 + sharpening is more brittle and some think the D800E is more brittle, if it would put your mind at ease spend the extra on the D800E.

I've seen moire from the M9 on repeating patterns (fences, fabric etc) but I don't shoot much wildlife or birds. I remember reading some of the only ways to deal with extreme moire is to reshoot as it degrades the IQ too much fixing it, which is obviously not always possible if you shoot wildlife etc.
Moire is a man made phenomenon no? I've never seen it in anything but man-made fabrics.
Well I heard wrong then :shrug:

Canon 20D sample there. Proof all cameras have the issue. I've not noticed any yet anyhow.
Once you PP the D800 and sharpen them etc it can be quite hard to tell between the two cameras. Some say the D800 + sharpening is more brittle and some think the D800E is more brittle, if it would put your mind at ease spend the extra on the D800E.

I've seen moire from the M9 on repeating patterns (fences, fabric etc) but I don't shoot much wildlife or birds. I remember reading some of the only ways to deal with extreme moire is to reshoot as it degrades the IQ too much fixing it, which is obviously not always possible if you shoot wildlife etc.

Yeah I've read this also. The difference between the E and the normal D800 is only truly visible between specific apertures as well most of the time due to lens softness at the wide end of apertures and diffraction at the smaller end.

I currently own a D300s and when the focus and exposure is bang on, it can yield some very nice and sharp results with no need of sharpning in post. My canon 5D mk ii did exactly the same also, so a normal D800 should be fine as long as I don't turn into a pixel peeping maniac, which when reading my own posts back, I sound like!
Well I heard wrong then :shrug:

Canon 20D sample there. Proof all cameras have the issue. I've not noticed any yet anyhow.

Its an extreme example, but a good one none the less. The dpreview images show that it only really starts to produce moire (d800E) when the shot is really set up wrongly. Like laudrup says, if it was a bird you often can't just take another shot with more controlled conditions. However, the times it would be an issue would definitely be extremely rare I'd have thought.
You would only notice the difference at 100% I reckon. I'm just a sucker and wanted that 'E' on mine :D I do like very sharp though. The only images I ever bother to pixel peep are my own. It makes me happy when I get it right :) Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.

Put the savings toward a nice prime ;)
I wouldn't say that. Nikon fanboys just bore me immensely.

Hello pot? We have kettle holding on line two.

This site does make me laugh. I'm trying to picture how we would use the M9 for all the situations we use the D800. Oh that's right, we couldn't.
wow its noisy compared to my D90
Love the results
had a quick try with 50mm 180 F2.8 and 300F4 and very impressed
also bought the "kit" lens 24-85 VR and its a real cracker
fell like a kid with a new toy, not bad for a late 50er
off to Oulton Park tomorrow to give it a real try out.

Just a thought
if the compact flash slot was configured as back up (copy) and was slower than the SD card for data speeds would it default to the slowest speed or would it keep up with highest/ primary card and then transfer across when load is lower?

It certainly does make a clunk when you click, a reassuring noise though in some respects, it can be annoying though when you are trying to be discreet. The 300mm f/4 interests me at the longer end as the 300mm f/2.8 is too much weight to schlep about.
I love the clink sound, feels like you proper nailed that shot :D - but agree - it's kind of hard be discreet using it. When all falls quiet, and you're the only one standing up with a camera in a seated crowd, and you take a shot - *CLUNK* everyone stares you down like you're a criminal ... :LOL:

I don't get Q [Quiet] mode, I really do not. So you can click the shutter and hold it, so you can walk away and release it without anyone hearing the return ... aye ... pity the return slap is the quietest part then! Useless Q mode.

My D800 has been acting up a little. 5 days in. Nothing major, but, annoying: Sometimes when I take a shot, while I'm reviewing it, and go to zoom in - it locks up/freezes and I have to wait a second or more before I can resume. It also seems to lock up when trying to flick through images at times. Anyone else experienced this?
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It certainly does make a clunk when you click, a reassuring noise though in some respects, it can be annoying though when you are trying to be discreet. The 300mm f/4 interests me at the longer end as the 300mm f/2.8 is too much weight to schlep about.

I've got the AF 300mm F4 and its a great lens. The AF-S version is meant to be better in pretty much every regard, so that must be nothing short of amazing :D
[edit]I see you have the older version. Fancy the Af-S version myself. I wouldn't even look at the 2.8!

These days cameras are just so good with ISO that you can easily compensate with f/4 lenses. Even without VR! Stick that ISO up to 1000 and get the shutter speeds above 1/300 ... away you go. I think that's why Nikon won't get the finger out and put out an f/4 70-200. They know it would kill sales of their 2.8 VR II.
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My D800 has been acting up a little. 5 days in. Nothing major, but, annoying: Sometimes when I take a shot, while I'm reviewing it, and go to zoom in - it locks up/freezes and I have to wait a second or more before I can resume. It also seems to lock up when trying to flick through images at times. Anyone else experienced this?

What speed memory card are you using? It might be that's it's taking the camera a little while to read the file.