Nikon D800......

Your 16-35 argument was on very weak ground as is your argument regarding this lens. Go use one and report back, or look up Sandro Bravo like I mentioned.
Your 16-35 argument was on very weak ground as is your argument regarding this lens. Go use one and report back, or look up Sandro Bravo like I mentioned.

I do somewhat agree with you about Ken, some of the info on his lens reviews seems pretty sound but its when he goes into hyperbole mode as with the 16-35mm that I start to get a little wary.
I wouldn't suggest him for those that can't read between the lines or those who are a bit easily led, or they'll end up at a lot of car boot sales buying poor lenses. He is a worthy resource though, especially on technical and historical data about lenses and filter sizes etc. The 16-35 is still a worthy lens though, despite the hyperbole on display on the site about being the 'best UWA zoom' etc.
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And then there are those who are naive enough to think KR is a worthy resource. Oh well.

The battery is old news. It was the first thing I checked when I got my D800, checked the supplied battery and the spare I bought. No problems. That was over a month back. Must be old stock anyone who's still getting them.
You bought a lens because he told you to :LOL: As a rule of thumb in all walks of life Cagey you generally get what you pay for. The battery issue is also handy for those who may buy it used as they come onto the second hand market and the original owner hadn't checked.
Your 16-35 argument was on very weak ground as is your argument regarding this lens. Go use one and report back, or look up Sandro Bravo like I mentioned.

Choice A: Buy a 1.2 lens with the sole purpose of being optimised for wide open performance to gain less than one stop of speed, or

B: Buy a 50mm 1.4G with superior performance across the whole range.

I fail to see the weak ground personally.

The 16-35 argument I stand by resolutely... because unlike the counter arguments offered, it's actually based on facts: It's based on the images that both lenses actually produce. Some of you seem to ignore facts if they're inconvenient :)

Sandro Bravo.. never heard of him, but looking at low resolution images on the net doesn't really prove much does it. What exactly am I supposed to be gaining by looking at these rather mundane images?

You're just annoyed because someone said something you didn't want to hear.

I'll say this again.. slowly... for the benefit of those struggling to understand. The lens is absolutely fantastic.. but a really odd choice of lens fr use with the D800. You really reckon the extra fraction of a stop over the 1.4 is really worth losing the sharpness of the 1.4G over? Why? You have a camera that can shoot at high ISO and still knock out A2 prints without breaking a sweat!

You are posting up this lens in a Nikon D800 thread.. in that context people will respond in kind, and as a lens to be partnered with a camera that is clearly lens limited it's a strange choice. If you'd posted in any other thread the responses would have been very different. Serves you right really for cluttering up the D800 thread with shots of your latest lens purchases.
You think the only differences between them is a fraction of a stop? Call it a hunch but I'd suspect 'user error' in relation to your time with the 16-35.
David, Pookeyhead or is it gob*****, will you please give it a frigging rest, in the 2 short week youve been with the forum all you have contributed is absolute *****, Your only intention is to provoke arguments in every single thread you've posted on.

Grow up FFS

Have to agree there seems to be far to much of this going on at the moment and sadly it all seems to be in the Nikon camp.

Every thread I've been interested in looking at in the past few weeks has turned into bickering match and its always the same people doing it.

can we please keep these on track....

Any way Im off to china next week for 3 weeks so will get a good chance without the kids to try out my d800 and see what it can really deliver.I took my d700 last year had had the most fun using a camera in a long time..I actually nearly gave up before that trip, so looking forward to it again.
we will be in shanghai and hopefully will be taking a trip for a few days in beijing as we still havnt been( my wifes chinese and hasnt even been :0 ).
Its a family trip to see her family, but we go out quite alot and get to leave the kids with her parents which is great. Sadly my wife doesnt have much of an interest in photography, so have to juggle it with shopping.
David, Pookeyhead or is it gob*****, will you please give it a frigging rest, in the 2 short week youve been with the forum all you have contributed is absolute *****, Your only intention is to provoke arguments in every single thread you've posted on.

Grow up FFS


You bought a lens because he told you to :LOL: As a rule of thumb in all walks of life Cagey you generally get what you pay for. The battery issue is also handy for those who may buy it used as they come onto the second hand market and the original owner hadn't checked.

I didn't - I saw it advertised, looked it up, his review on it came up first. It was that simple, it was €50 so I took the chance.

Got this lot using it:

Yeah I know, crap. But, it was €50,and I sold it in the end for ... €50 ;)
Is nikons stance on non regional bodies not a lot more sticky than canon's though.
I heard they act similarly to nikon USA/Canada in they won't touch an imported item even if you pay(this may be hearsay though).

I dont know what there own warranty is like but if it involves sending it back that could be an issue,especially with Af issues that still seem to be cropping up.
Mifsuds had them under £2k recently, I think Amazon are about £2k. I'd pay the few quid extra not to have the hassle of buying from Hong Kong.
David, Pookeyhead or is it gob*****, will you please give it a frigging rest, in the 2 short week youve been with the forum all you have contributed is absolute *****, Your only intention is to provoke arguments in every single thread you've posted on.

Grow up FFS


You agreed with Pookeyhead in your post no. 1572. have you read all of his posts. He has given some good advice, he certainly does not provoke arguments in every thread he has posted on.
What were his reasons? Always like to hear why someone switches from one to the other. I may be Nikon, but when I sold off all my DX gear I had the choice to go either way, or any other FX system. I tried out a 5D3 in the store, and though it felt nice in hand, when I held the D800 ... well, I felt more at home. It was that simple for me.
Mifsuds had them under £2k recently, I think Amazon are about £2k. I'd pay the few quid extra not to have the hassle of buying from Hong Kong.

Agreed, I'd be expecting the Panamoz price to be at least a couple of hundred less to be worth considering (which the D600 currently is I think) rather than just £30 less than Amazon.

What were his reasons? Always like to hear why someone switches from one to the other. I may be Nikon, but when I sold off all my DX gear I had the choice to go either way, or any other FX system. I tried out a 5D3 in the store, and though it felt nice in hand, when I held the D800 ... well, I felt more at home. It was that simple for me.

He is a full time pro,he said the prices of Canon gear was just getting to much,and i think some tax reasons,so far he seem very pleased.

He had been working with the 5DmkIII & mkII :)
Cool. I wonder though, does he not find Nikon gear as pricey? I know the D800 is cheaper than the 5D3, but I'd say the lenses are about the same price-wise?
Was someone on here using, or has just bought a MD-B12 "fake" grip? I like the idea of having an extra battery when shooting video, and the balance of course, but I just simply refuse to pay Nikon £300.. even if I was a billionaire... I still refuse.

I just want to know if there is a difference in finish and trim, and whether everything works as it should. I hear some great news about the Pixel one, but some flakey stories about the build quality.

It may only £30, but I'd rather not throw £30 away if I don't have to.


One more thing.. on the genuine one, you can get an adaptor/end cap to take a EL-EN18 battery.. Does anyone know if I buy a EN18 adaptor, will I then be able to fit the adaptor/EN18 into the fake Pixel grip?

[edit again]

Yes you can...
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Did the seller's name not spark caution? ;)
It's £30... hardly a huge customs bill if you even get one :shrug:

I guess some people are easier to p**s off than others :LOL:
Did the seller's name not spark caution? ;)
It's £30... hardly a huge customs bill if you even get one :shrug:

I guess some people are easier to p**s off than others :LOL:

Where are you getting £30 from? It's £70! Which translates to about €75, and once Irish customs are finished with it it'll be around 100.

And yes the name did make me wonder, but I clicked on the seller and it clearly stated that they ship out of UK.

It's not so much the money, I could buy a genuine grip right now. It's the fact I'll now have to wait for dopey Irish Customs officers to scratch their heads over it a bit, then email me asking for proof of where I boughtit so they can charge the 22% + "handling fee" before they eventually pass it on. This happened when I last bought a flash from China. It took 3 weeks to get to me.

There is always that very slim chance it'll get by them, fingers crossed.
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I'm awaiting delivery of a Pixel grip. This one here to be exact:

A bit more than £30!

And I just noticed it's coming via China, which really p***es me off, as when I clicked to buy it stated that they delivered out of the UK. I'll have to pay customs on it, and that always slows things up. It better be good.

I read your post, that's all. I read it as the grip was a little over £30. But hey, at £70 it's not something I'd get too miffed about.... I guess I'm a bit more laid back ;)
It's a lens you you buy if you have a need only though. At f1.2 it's pretty damned terrible, with coma like you wouldn't believe. When this lens was introduced, you needed an aperture like this... these days though, you'd just shoot at a higher ISO.

It's a superb lens for shallow depth of field video work though, and it's this demand that has made them so expensive. 5 years ago you could get these for 1/3rd the price on Ebay.

The noct had coma correction as one of its main attractions as well as being optimised for use wide open (and shows it in images) so this comment is..odd to say the least :thinking:

You're either confused with the 50 1.2 or you know a lot less than you think you do.
I read your post, that's all. I read it as the grip was a little over £30. But hey, at £70 it's not something I'd get too miffed about.... I guess I'm a bit more laid back ;)

I gave a link to show the price I paid. I'm not pee'd off about the price, are you even reading my posts? :thinking: See above.
Prices seem to be fluctuating. I saw one on Ebay for 30something last week.. cheapest I can find now is £49

Either way... damn site less than the £300+ Nikon want!

I'm awaiting delivery of a Pixel grip. This one here to be exact:

A good unbiased write up would be good if you get the time.


You're either confused with the 50 1.2 or you know a lot less than you think you do.

Still this? My comments were in comparison to the wide open performance of other, slower lenses available... namely the 1.4G as it seems to keep aberrations to a minimum also, but is sharper. I did say, several times, that it's a fabulous lens, but what people are not taking into account here is that this is a D800 thread, not a lens thread, and ANY 1.2 lens is going have issues compared to the slower primes when shooting wide open and the D800 will only make this more apparent. Being a D800 thread my response was in the context of "good lenses for the D800", not is it a good lens, period. As the D800 has such great high ISO performance, I just questioned the choice because the 1.4G wide open seems to control coma pretty much in a similar fashion, but is also measurably, and demonstrably sharper, and do you really need f1.2 on such a camera? ALL very wide aperture lenses are pretty shoddy wide open... even the nocto 58. Anything that will allow you to shoot stopped down should be the chosen path IMO, and the D800 would allow that. It wasn't a comment about that particular lens, but as the 1.4 is still a damned fast lens, also controls coma very well, but is also sharper wide open it seems to be a better choice for the D800. It's also massively cheaper than the nocto 58, which seem to be going for £2k and higher for used examples, and is AF, and would be new, with a warranty.

I'm just trying to give a balanced view here. I'm not taking anything away from the owner of the 58 nocto... I'd LOVE one.. I just really struggle to justify it's existence outside of video work, and film use... but good luck to the guy... still a weird choice of lens to partner with the D800 though IMO.. and being a D800 thread and all... still... whatever... I'm just trolling apparently. :) have the last word anyway... gratis, because I'm done with that.
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Whenever I get it, sure :)

I don't use grips very much, as any third party ones I've had before, for the D90, were flimsy to say the least. I've watched a few loose reviews on this one, and they all seemed happy enough with it. I imagine it will be plasticky and light and probably a bid fiddly to get on. But I won't hold these things against it as that's what you expect for the price. It's how it feels locked on that I'm interested in, does it feel secure enough to only hold the grip with say, a 70-200 attached to the cam? How does it fare on a tripod etc ...
That's my worry. I know it's only £40ish... I'd still rather spend that on a memory card, or even just another spare battery or two than buy a piece of tat that falls apart after 3 months. I'll let you be a guinea pig :)
I don't know how I managed to get stung with £70, I usually find the cheapest option. Oh well, next time I'll triple check!
If you use the code ALL499 on the Currys web site you can get 10% off the D800 (and anything else over £499). I just tried it and it dropped the price down to about £1850. :D