Nikon D800......

If you use the code ALL499 on the Currys web site you can get 10% off the D800 (and anything else over £499). I just tried it and it dropped the price down to about £1850. :D

I love the way the price of the D600 is more than the D800 on their site! :)

They don't sell the Nikkor 14-24 2.8.. pity... mine's just decided to play dead and it's out of warranty.
Just been on the you put the code in at checkout? Can't see anywhere on the site.

You need to start the checkout by making an account and choosing postage to put it in but well before the order is confirmed, seems to work to me.

Where did the code come from? I'm tempted to finally take the plunge at that price but paranoia has been thinking it could be some kind of fiddle they won't honour.
Created an account but didn't want to go too far in to checkout to try the code. Even so at £2042 it's a good price...but 10% off that seems too good to be true and I would probably order tonight if it is true. None in stock for local pick-up for me.
Funny that the change in battery spec for D4/D800 was to prevent this sort of problem :shrug:
Funny that the change in battery spec for D4/D800 was to prevent this sort of problem :shrug:

I think the problem was quality control during manufacture.
My Vertax Pixel D12 grip arrived this morning. It has managed to avoid customs, yay! (y)

Just had a quick try out. With 8 AA batteries installed, the 6fps sounds good enough for me in DX mode, what little I'll use it. Maybe when I'm desperately trying to shoot some birds in flight, a weakness of mine.

Anyway, what I did buy it for was the extra chunkiness, the longer grip down the side in portrait orientation for portraits ... and the extended battery life of course.

How does it feel? Pretty decent. The rubber bits are actually rubber, not shiney plastic like the old one I had for the D90, that was horrible to hold.

It feels solid enough, but ... I feel a very slight twitch when I move it about. And the left side [from the back] isn't exactly flush with the body.

Don't worry, the link only leads to a mini album of pics I took of the grip, on imgur, nothing more.

Second image shows the little gap I get when it's tightened up, to the left of the OK button. Looks bigger, obviously, this close in, but it is there. In image #5 you see it from a normal distance, as you look at the back of the camera. Not as noticeable, but once you know it's there ... And I think that is the cause of the tiny rattle I feel when I switch it around from landscape to portrait. It certainly doesn't feel unsafe, as you can see, I was confident enough to hold it upside down with the 24-70 attached. It actually feels really solid, I would be confident enough to attach it to a tripod with a heavy lens on. It is that solid. That minor niggle with the tiny gap will irritate me though, I just know it.

I'll give it a more thorough testing later, attach it to the tripod etc ..
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Sounds like a good un. Could you give the focus point dial a good going over, that's the one thing I don't like about the grip I got, the dtse one, the dial is just a little small and like a hair trigger so I end up pressing it by accident and re centering the focus point when I'm trying to move it.
I will check that out in more detail tonight. I have used it, and re-centred focus point, moved it about a bit, seemed to be ok. It is a little smaller than I would like, and I see what you mean, it could be a little fiddly.
Looks like it will fall apart. Buy cheap, cry twice, especially if you've spent £2k+ on the camera anyway. Don't think I'd risk a few £k worth of glass on the strength of that grip.
Which part looks like it'll fall apart exactly? The close up of the gap on one side makes it look a lot weaker than it is. The rest is pretty much flush with body, and you'd have to want to pull it apart to even come close.

Though it's certainly not perfect, it feels strong enough to hold as I've shown. I wouldn't chance holding it by the grip like that if I thought for one second there was a chance it would drop. That was shot over a concrete floor.

BUT ... I don't think I'll be using it on my Black rapid ... tripod - no problems, but swinging from the strap, I don't think so.

I don't know if the Nikon official grip is all that much sturdier, I probably wouldn't swing that from a strap either.

There is a teensy bit of play with the Pixel if you really grip and pull at it, but that's unusual force. In general it's never going to be under that pressure, unless you swing it from a strap ...
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Looks like it will fall apart. Buy cheap, cry twice, especially if you've spent £2k+ on the camera anyway. Don't think I'd risk a few £k worth of glass on the strength of that grip.
Doesnt look like it would fall apart at all. looks decent quality but i would be concerned at water/moisture ingress where it fits badly, perhaps you could run a thin sliver of silicone all way round the top surface of the grip, i mean thin, about 1mm thick and let it dry before you attach it to form some form of seal/gasket.
I don't know if the Nikon official grip is all that much sturdier, I probably wouldn't swing that from a strap either.

I've been swinging my D800 with official grip from a BR strap for the past few months without any qualms... it's rock solid.
You would want to be able to considering the price! But , good to know you're confident in it.

I wouldn't chance it with this one, it'll be hand held only probably. I was never much of a grip man, I just like to have all the options there. I now get 6fps in DX mode, if I ever need it.
im not sure how they could differ. There's only 1 screw hole after all, a couple of pins and the data slot. Theres probably a better seal around the rim on the nikon though but im certanly confident mines solid enough.
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Does yours have the wee gap on the left [from back of cam]? And if you grab it, and give it a bit of a pull, do you feel any give? I mean even the slightest? Might be a bit of a dud I got?

I checked the AF selector btw. It is a little small, and clicky, I find if you put your thumb behind the wee stik and push it the opposing direction that works best. rarely misses a point. But I would much prefer the controller on the body itself, much, much nicer.
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I'm told that serial numbers around the 606**** UK stock have no left focus issues can anyone confirm please.
Mine is 6008758 and has no issues, if that's any help? We get same stock as the UK I'm sure.
Which part looks like it'll fall apart exactly? The close up of the gap on one side makes it look a lot weaker than it is. The rest is pretty much flush with body, and you'd have to want to pull it apart to even come close.

Though it's certainly not perfect, it feels strong enough to hold as I've shown. I wouldn't chance holding it by the grip like that if I thought for one second there was a chance it would drop. That was shot over a concrete floor.

BUT ... I don't think I'll be using it on my Black rapid ... tripod - no problems, but swinging from the strap, I don't think so.

I don't know if the Nikon official grip is all that much sturdier, I probably wouldn't swing that from a strap either.

There is a teensy bit of play with the Pixel if you really grip and pull at it, but that's unusual force. In general it's never going to be under that pressure, unless you swing it from a strap ...

Cheap plastic things from China fall apart, it's their raison d'être. It looks like it was made to measure, for a different camera.
I bought ai Chinese grip for the D700 and the quality was very good, it was heavily used for 2 years without issues. I now have a D800 and bought a Chinese for that as well, again no issues.
6058003: No focus issues.
Cheap plastic things from China fall apart, it's their raison d'être. It looks like it was made to measure, for a different camera.

I don't think they make them to fall apart. I had toys made in china as a kid that lasted for years, until they just got lost, never broke ;)

I'd like someone else with the same grip to have a close inspection and see if they have that gap on the left, under the HDMI port. I might actually feel better knowing they are all like this.
here's mine, tbh it looks worse than yours :) But its solid, i can give it a bloody good pulling and nothing budges. Would be interesting to see images of the Nikon grip to see how snug it is around the edges just to see how the other half live ;)

Aha! Looks very similar. As you say, even a slightly wider gap going on there.

I can definitely budge mine and create a gap under the front section, below the lens, but not at the back. But as I said, I have to really go at it. Any more force and I'd be risking snapping the screw connection.
I don't think they make them to fall apart. I had toys made in china as a kid that lasted for years, until they just got lost, never broke ;)

I'd like someone else with the same grip to have a close inspection and see if they have that gap on the left, under the HDMI port. I might actually feel better knowing they are all like this.

Being a knock off how likely do you think it is your one will be the same as another one?
Looks like they're not precisely the same, the gap is there, compare it to mine,not the exact same gap - so i would say, very likely they could be different.

My 105mm micro lens is also made in China btw.
The Nikon MB-D12 is made in China, but if you noticed I said cheap, which the Nikon grip isn't and your knock off is.
The Nikon MB-D12 is made in China, but if you noticed I said cheap, which the Nikon grip isn't and your knock off is.

Can you post up images of yours please? I'd love to see if there is any difference between the fit of the genuine one and the "knock off" versions. Thanks.
As I thought, he doesn't have one, or he'd have already posted it. And what is it you say to me Laudrup? That I know nothing about what I have not actually used. :razz:

Here's mine again, in this image you can see how secure it is along the back, and that the gap I closed in on isn't near as bad as "It looks like it was made to measure, for a different camera." - it should be flush, but there's no looseness there. It's just a cosmetic flaw in the mould. It still tightens via the same screw as an official one.


You can also get a good view of the control stick. I would have thought it was a bit weedy, when you compare it to the main control on the body, but look at the MB D12:

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Created an account but didn't want to go too far in to checkout to try the code. Even so at £2042 it's a good price...but 10% off that seems too good to be true and I would probably order tonight if it is true. None in stock for local pick-up for me.

Did anyone manage to get one from Currys with 10% off?
I noticed that it said "excluding Apples and DSLR products."
well after 10 mins of googling and flickr'ing yours looks a better fit than the official one! I dont think im allowed to link other people pics.

Although looking at the base of the camera its got rounded edges so it will never be truely flush with anything you bolt onto it.

But im sure Laudrup will be along with his proof later. wont you?