Nikon Macro flash recomendations ?

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Hi People

About to delve into Macro for the first time , I use Nikon bodies , D3 D700 D750

I have one Macro lens , Its a Sigma 105 F2.8 macro

My dilemma is what flash kit do I use ?

Currently a £400 R1C1 in the adds and a Nissin MF-18

I require a kit that can be used indoors and out in the field , walk about , Very open minded on recomended kit , And I would prefer
to buy once and correct

Ta in advance :cool:
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Looks like i'm on my own with this :LOL::ROFLMAO:
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SAMTIAN 48 Macro LED Ring Flash Light RF-550D Includes 4 pcs Diffusers and 8 pcs Adapter Rings

One of these on order for £26 , may do the job , Time will tell

Or plan 2 , what you have

I use a Voking VK800 I think it`s a copy of a Nikon flash tbh, I use it in TTL mode on a D500 and it does the job well and has a fast recycle time, Cheapo diffuser connected to it.
Sorry no pic of this setup.
I use an off camera Nissin Di700 with a wireless trigger

What is the bracket Alf? (I'm wondering if it is purchasable or one that you made.)
It is a cheap one that is OK but it moves frequently so I am not reomending it.
I have moved to an Olympus twin flash system