No More Spinach...

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Tonight I wanted to try my set up on something live, so popped in to the garden for a big juicy slug. Armed with a rubber glove I found one chomping on a peanut. I brought it in and placed it
on top of a Spinach Leaf that was all set up in front of the camera. I knew I'd have to wait a few minutes or so until it decided to straighten up, so I mentioned to our lass, that her Spinach is full
of tiny Slugs. This was a follow up from a conversation this afternoon. I then peered through the lens and began to focus, and noticed quite a few little white beasties that seemed to be skating
all over the slug. Something I hadn't noticed when picking it up...I asked our lass to have look, and now, she's right off Spinach. I'll have to think of a different curry for tomorrow nights tea :giggle:.
I can't believe knowing how sticky these Slugs are that these tiny little Slug Mites, or Riccardoella limacum, can move at such speed. At this point the Slug, more or less got up, and shot off.
I was hoping it would stay and nice and still, eat a little fresh Spinach and allow me to get a few half decent images, but no...After a few minutes of constantly turning the slate plate the Spinach
was on, hoping it would face the camera, I gave up and took it back outside so it could finish chomping on the peanuts...

Slug Spinach.jpg

Slug Lice.jpg
I was hoping it would stay and nice and still, eat a little fresh Spinach and allow me to get a few half decent images, but no..
Even slugs have standards :D

Well captured on the mites (y)
Even slugs have standards :D

Well captured on the mites (y)

I've not stopped itching for the past hour Cobra :giggle: Then our lass tells me that these mites lay eggs in the lungs of the Slug, they crawl out, and bite the Slug to feed off it's blood.
A hard ring surrounds the bite mark so it never heals. The mites crawl back in to lungs to lay more eggs and eventually the poor bloody Slug dies of infection and blood loss.