weekly Nog's 52 Week 34 cutlery

Week 11 personal

Got a new flash and remote thingy this week so plan was my wife's teddy bear with a bit of dramatic lighting :) Just setting up and noticed my shadow on the blinds and thought that will do- well I do have man flu and have been feeling a bit sorry for myself

DSC01509.jpg by Keith, on Flickr
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Aye - tick!
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A couple of good and very diverse shots but both hit the mark. I think #1 would be my pick.
The first one most definitely my preference, a more interesting photo and fits the theme perfectly.
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Nice tecniques coming out!!
Framing the subject in Shadows and leading lines in Unkempt. Very simple techniques that we all use, but they certainly work well.
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Nice leading lines, a pic of the poor car/tractor afterwards would've worked for the week too I'm sure
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Yikes. That's a bit of a mess, but given the weather we've had not surprising. Works well for the theme.
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Messy! The composition works really well, it brings it to life seeing the tracks disappear over the crest. In fact where the hillside drops away you've got a neat line where everything above it is idyllic looking and everything beneath it is a mess.
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Great picture for the theme, it makes you wonder what disaster awaits over the hill! Nice leading lines.
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Nice tecniques coming out!!
Framing the subject in Shadows and leading lines in Unkempt. Very simple techniques that we all use, but they certainly work well.
Thanks Bob
Nice leading lines, a pic of the poor car/tractor afterwards would've worked for the week too I'm sure
Thanks Megan
Yikes. That's a bit of a mess, but given the weather we've had not surprising. Works well for the theme.
Thanks Simon, yes it’s been a bit damp for the last 6 months
Messy! The composition works really well, it brings it to life seeing the tracks disappear over the crest. In fact where the hillside drops away you've got a neat line where everything above it is idyllic looking and everything beneath it is a mess.
Thanks Nick, wonder if the tractor driver looked back and thought hmmm maybe ….
Great picture for the theme, it makes you wonder what disaster awaits over the hill! Nice leading lines.
Thanks Simon, couldn’t see over the brow of the hill. Hopefully the tractor was Not still down there
Week 14 Gobshot
Might have been better with a polariser but I don't have one to fit lens used, had a go at removing some of the bubbles in LR but my LR skills are still ..

DSC01607.jpg by Keith, on Flickr
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That’s a fair gob that is!
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Great shot. I don't know how you focussed so perfectly on the eye!
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What a brilliant different take on the theme! So well in focus too! Lovely colours.
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Having tried unsuccessfully to take pictures of our koi, I doff my cap to you in recognition of achievement in the face of photographic adversity !
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Wonderful capture!! Really like your submission for this week's theme.
Thanks Bob
Cheers Paul
That’s a fair gob that is!
Ta Dave
Nicely captured. Big gob there!
Cheers Simon, it is
Oh hell yeah.

Thanks Kell
Great shot. I don't know how you focussed so perfectly on the eye!
Thanks Nick, looks like animal focus works on fish as well
A really lovely shot Keith.
Thanks Pete
What a brilliant different take on the theme! So well in focus too! Lovely colours.
Thanks Sophie
Having tried unsuccessfully to take pictures of our koi, I doff my cap to you in recognition of achievement in the face of photographic adversity !
Thanks Alan, think it’s more the camera than me though :)
I can almost hear the fish talking, food food food food!
Thanks Simon, yes they are getting their appetite back now it’s getting a bit warmer
A very different gobshot, she must have been hungry!
Thanks Meg, she was luckily
Unkempt: Looks familiar, those tracks will take a while to disappear. As said, nicely composed leading lines.
Gob shot: Love this one... great capture and colour.
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