weekly Nog's 52 Week 34 cutlery

Kendal - not far from me :)

No1 works best as the bent necks don't show well in No2.
Thanks Dave, its a lovely area, yes only had a phone and walking along canal to a pub so couldn't hang around :)
I agree that the canal works best, although a good idea for the swans if they had shows a little more attention to the camera
Thanks Meg, think they were more concerned about their nest.
Yes the canal bend works best for me, sort of needs something walking or cycling over the bridge?
Thanks Alan, yes someone on the bridge would add to the picture. Some of the bridges are not is use, just fields either side, don't know if they were built for the farmers use or the roads have been dug up.
Agreed, #1 fits the theme better. Lovely spot.
Thanks Helen
Sorry, another vote for #1 here.
Thanks Paul, well at least I am consistent in usually picking the wrong pic :)
Some of the bridges are not is use, just fields either side, don't know if they were built for the farmers use or the roads have been dug up.
Keith, they are typically Accommodation bridges, built to allow farmers and other landowners to access their land on the far side of the canal when the canals were first constructed. This was a measure to gain the landowner's permission to allow the canal company to take some of their land.

There are many different styles of such accommodation bridges: swing bridges, lift bridges and full blown brick bridges. I suspect the choice may depend on how "lawyered" up the landowner was. Many of the bridges have fallen out of use completely.
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Week 20 Arches

The Pin mill at Bodnant garden (NT site) was originally built as a lodge or garden house around 1730 at Woodchester, Gloucestershire. It was rebuilt at Bodnant in 1938/39
_DSC0364.jpg by Keith, on Flickr

Bodnant Laburnum Arch, not in full flower yet. Lots of people removed with the help of PS and my daughter. :)
20240518-_DSC0352 copy 2 by Keith, on Flickr
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Nice shots Keith :)
Fir me, I prefer the building, with the colours and reflections, and more interest in the subject matter. Nice Laburnum though
I like your chosen shot...

it also brings back some nice memories of our visit there.
Nice shots Keith :)
Thanks Dave
For me, I prefer the building, with the colours and reflections, and more interest in the subject matter. Nice Laburnum though
Thanks Alan, I prefer the building but thought to pick the laburnum as its only in flower for a few weeks of the year
I like your chosen shot...

it also brings back some nice memories of our visit there.
Thanks Paul, yes it is a nice garden to have a wander around. about 30 mins from us so go there a few times a year
Lovely Keith! Great laburnum arch. The time we went it wasn't quite in flower.
Thanks Simon, will be in flower for a few weeks now. Even NT members have to book a visit for the next few weeks due to the number of visitors going to see the laburnum.
Week 22 Critters
We have a few hedgehogs visiting the garden which seemed perfect for this week, but meant a long wait outside to catch it
hedgehog by Keith, on Flickr
Good that they are visiting. I keep finding droppings but never see them out and about so you're lucky. Nice one.
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Good to see. Don't see so many nowadays.

Good that they are visiting. I keep finding droppings but never see them out and about so you're lucky. Nice one.

Your patience paid off!! Super shot!!
Thanks all, went in for some keyhole surgery last week but it ended up being open and a bit more seriousHome now and issue sorted but don’t think I will be able to lift a camera for a week or 2 so will catch up then.
Speedy recovery Keith!

Nice Hogster :)
Love the decay and nature abstrat shots. Lovely colours and the patterm in the leaves is great.
Oooooh nice grassy stuffs!
Nice catch up. The abstract has it for me. Great colour and light.
Love the decay and nature abstrat shots. Lovely colours and the patterm in the leaves is great.

Oooooh nice grassy stuffs!

A nice catch up set, but the abstract is very good!

Abstract is a great shot. Well taken.

A sterling catch up. Snapper's is a beaut!!

I like that Keith. Very abstract.

Nice catch up. The abstract has it for me. Great colour and light.

Good catch up indeed. Really enjoying the abstract in particular.
Thanks all, the abstract is some reedy things in the ponds