
Edit My Images
Hi everyone
Were to begin always messed taking photos with phone or a point and shoot. Recently started playing with different settings on the pix pro but doesn't have manual focus so decided to get a cheep DSLR so got myself a canon 400d to start with cheep and cheerful and somewhere for hints and tips so here starts my photography journey
Hi Chris, And welcome aboard TP, "Enjoy"
Hello Chris and welcome to the forum.
It may help if you add your town to your location, Someone may offer to give you a hand with things, We don't want you full address , Also Youtube is good for tuition videos if you can stand the advert bombardment . Have fun in your journey.
Hello Chris and welcome to the forum.
It may help if you add your town to your location, Someone may offer to give you a hand with things, We don't want you full address , Also Youtube is good for tuition videos if you can stand the advert bombardment . Have fun in your journey.
Thanks will check that and make some changes to my profile
Welcome to the forum Chris, get snapping ;)