Now you made me ANGRY .....

It doesn't look at all happy Tony but it's cracking image...Can I ask what set up you used?
Thanks Haldir
Attached is the exif data
Plus I used a Yongnuo YN-24EX twin head Macro flash plus a couple of diffusers on the flash heads

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Thanks Haldir
Attached is the exif data
And a Yongnuo YN-24EX twin head Macro flash plus a couple of diffusers on the flash heads

View attachment 275842

That's brilliant Tony thank you, didn't know you could down load data like that. I find it fascinating seeing beasties in such detail.
No offence mate, but this Bee of yours looks to be dead? when you took this image?
The position/posture of this Bee does not look natural to me...maybe im wrong here? It just looks like the Bee is pinned to the leaf.
For all the live Bees ive seen, ive never seen a Bee basking/resting/positioned on a leaf like this, with its legs up in the air, an its wings open/positioned in this manner.
Does it make a difference :police::coat:

It depends...……………………………..if you find a dead creature, an take images of said dead creature (however dressed up the creature/scene may look).................................................but if you kill said creature, just to dress up a scene) then shoot images of said scene/creature, then that might not sit well with certain people/members on here (me included).

Its not that difficult, to capture half sensible images of wild live creatures (with a little time/effort/field skills involved) without the need to kill stuff, in order to display your efforts.
Right lets get this CLEAR, my window ledges in my conservatory are normally full of DEAD bugs, Bees, Fly's etc. SO TO BE CLEAR NO BUGS WERE HARMED just so I could take snaps of them :pompous:
I think you may have been in Lockdown a wee bit too long matey :police:

In the last 3/4 weeks I've rescued various LARGE Bumble bees and a Butterfly who where desperate to get out side through the glass and couldn't :sleep:
Right lets get this CLEAR, my window ledges in my conservatory are normally full of DEAD bugs, Bees, Fly's etc. SO TO BE CLEAR NO BUGS WERE HARMED just so I could take snaps of them :pompous:
I think you may have been in Lockdown a wee bit too long matey :police:

In the last 3/4 weeks I've rescued various LARGE Bumble bees and a Butterfly who where desperate to get out side through the glass and couldn't :sleep:

Ok cool...not a don't need to explain to me(or anyone else) about all your dead bugs you find in your conservatory. You don't need to make your text big an bold either.
An guess what, you don't need to talk crap about lockdown.
I was merely responding to your answers to my questions.

All i could see, was 2 Bees in both your Bee threads, that showed an unnatural posture/positioning, like your Bee subjects were staged/set up etc...thats all.
There goes my dinner bell...i guess this might be worth coming back to later?!
Your dinner bell !!!! are you in a secure unit ?
God there's always one :sulk:

Hello Mods can he say C**P on here ??
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Hello Mods can he say C**P on here ??
crap is fine.

are you in a secure unit ?
questioning his mental state is another issue all together ...
oops there's my dinner bell, and if the butler hits it that hard again, and puts a dent in it, its coming out of his wages ...

Play nice guys
Thanks (y)
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Your dinner bell !!!! are you in a secure unit ?
God there's always one :sulk:

Hello Mods can he say C**P on here ??

Gee, I thought everyone had a dinner bell?...Cobra seems to have a dinner bell too...but I haven't seen him in my part of this secure unit??
Listen Tony, you cant see it yet, but im trying to help you with your macro photography...Anyone can take pics of dead things, but were is the fun/satisfaction/skill in that?...You may as well take a pic of a dead coin, or a dead shirt button, or a dead brussel sprout!!!...Just my opinion, but pics of dead insects (even if they are dressed up, blue tacked/glued/pinned onto a leaf) are pretty much worthless, unless the subject is of scientific interest/importance/study.

So, your homework/assignment for this week, is to photograph a live can be done, give it a bash, you might enjoy the challenge/chase. No trying to pass a dead one off as live though hey!
Heres a couple of live Bee images I prepared earlier, all the best, cheers Paul.
Oh, there goes the "lights out siren", I best be off soon, don't want em sending out a search party for me......…….damn this secure unit.

Solitary Bee, garden photo. (uncropped) 20th-July-2017. by Testudo Man, on Flickr

Red Mason Bee, on a closed Daisy(uncropped) garden photo. 28th-April-2018. by Testudo Man, on Flickr

Red Mason Bee(garden photo). 3rd April 2019. by Testudo Man, on Flickr

crap is fine.

questioning his mental state is another issue all together ...
oops there's my dinner bell, and if the butler hits it that hard again, and puts a dent in it, its coming out of his wages ...

Play nice guys
Thanks (y)

So you have a Dinner Bell to then, unlike you, we don't have Butlers in this unit...but we do have Matrons....................oooohhhhh matron.
An as requested, I was playing nicely.