odd request from my old mum

Mr Bump

From under the bridge
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so my mum is quite old and in her own words she left home at 17 to join the army as her dad was a complete b*****d
he died back in the early 80's and pretty much that was all i knew

fast forward to like yesterday she said can you see if you can find out about his navy service career?
well to be honest i didn't even know who or what etc, so me and the mouse wife armed with his full name DOB and place of birth got to town.

little did we know we would end up in the online imperial war museum archives and have been able to give my mum pretty much all that we could find out.

the comedy item was finding out after 5 years in the navy in 1929 he smacked a senior officer and spent 90 days in there version of prison and was demoted and never really got any further in his career..... odd that....lol

I will try and attach the docs if i can convert PDF to JPG can anyone help?
there is old data in them but they are all well passed so i don;t think any GDPR issues.
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You could screen-shot them (Alt+PrtSc keys) to the computer memory then open Paint and paste them using Ctrl+V keys and save them then post them.
Good stuff and glad you could find these.

I'd like to do the same for my dad who served in the navy in WW2.
Interesting for sure . ...

I will have to have another look at the IWM site again as IIRC I could not find my dad the last time I looked.

Do you have a link for the particular page on the Imperial War Museum website that you started at???

My dad was Royal Artillery and a PoW for most of the war....captured in Crete .