If you have a diesel car then diesel is a very good for penetration, also good for killing weeds in places like..... where the pavement (or bitumen) meets your front garden wall or fence.

My neighbour used petrol to kill the weeds in his front garden. Trouble was he set light to both the pavement outside his house and someone else's car. He was not popular! :D
A small milestone, this is my first image from a view camera, a Linhof Technikardan 23 with a Leaf Aptus digital back

Although it is just a snap to me it is as rewarding as any photo I've taken, it took me about 20 minutes to get the right combination of movements, to be honest [I]I should have used a touch of swing as the tip of the left wing is a touch soft,[/I] but it is the achievement.

I have no idea what you're on about!
Having just sold my Yashica MAT 120 TLR I've now gone to the opposite end of the negative scale and picked up a Yashica Rapide half frame 35mm. It needs clean, a small repair to the winding handle and the meter isn't reading very quickly (neither of which were mentioned by the seller..) but I'll give it some TLC then run a film through it :0)

Yashica Rapide - Half Frame 35mm by Steve Lloyd, on Flickr

finally got my M3 done up

Casual dress day

And full on Huggy Bear pimp mode
Decided I couldn't afford a super ikonta in 6x9 so I cheaped our and bought the commie copy. Moskva 5 recently cla'd apparently. While I was importing camera gear I bought a fed...

More commie cameras by steveo_mcg, on Flickr

the Moskva was supposed to be fantastic, Fed is hilarious especially the viewfinder haha
Sunday successfully bid on a Pentax-M 35mm f/2 at about 2/3 of my previously unsuccessful bids, and this morning it popped through my door. Looks very nice, everything smooth and snappy as it should be. I'm very pleased! Now have the 50mm f/1.4 and the 85mm f/2 to go with it as well; the trio are my favourite lenses right now.
the Moskva was supposed to be fantastic, Fed is hilarious especially the viewfinder haha

There are some good things said about the moskva. The view finder on the Fed is... Vague... Though the rest of it is pretty sturdy, it is heavier than the moskva.
Thought I would share the fruits of a shared labour. I'm ever so happy with the F90, is it loud? yes, but I don't care the af seems quick and sure, I'm not used to shooting at 19mm on FX equivalent so that's taken some getting used to. That roll of Velvia has just come out of it after a post meeting quick jaunt round Deansgate in Manchester while on my way back to the car park :) The sound of the electric advance motor is a welcome sound too, makes me feel like a proper paparazzi :LOL: I think i'm in need of a retro strap for it though, it's currently modelling one from one of it's younger brothers and i'm not sure it suits :thinking:

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Thought I would share the fruits of a shared labour. I'm ever so happy with the F90, is it loud? yes, but I don't care the af seems quick and sure, I'm not used to shooting at 19mm on FX equivalent so that's taken some getting used to. That roll of Velvia has just come out of it after a post meeting quick jaunt round Deansgate in Manchester while on my way back to the car park :) The sound of the electric advance motor is a welcome sound too, makes me feel like a proper paparazzi :LOL: I think i'm in need of a retro strap for it though, it's currently modelling one from one of it's younger brothers and i'm not sure it suits :thinking:

My cosina 19-35mm just came today so I loaded my F90x ;) shame I don't have any Velvia left :(
I'm a hypocrite, and I hate myself. I now own not just a Nikkor lens, but a body too. At least it takes film not SD cards!

Pics to follow when it gets here, if I'm not too embarrassed!
Hmmm, I seem to have just bought a Kiev 80 with a Vega-12B 90/2.8 :0)

I really thought I had enough cameras but I guess I can fit one more!

There's always room for one more camera Steve.....mmm I haven't had a new one for a week now....
I'm a hypocrite, and I hate myself. I now own not just a Nikkor lens, but a body too. At least it takes film not SD cards!

Pics to follow when it gets here, if I'm not too embarrassed!

Great that a Pentax man see's the light, what body Alan.(y)
Hmmm, I seem to have just bought a Kiev 80 with a Vega-12B 90/2.8 :0)

I really thought I had enough cameras but I guess I can fit one more!


Steve, That Vega 12B is a very good lens and as you know it is only a box behind, very interested to see the produce of that kit.(y)
I'm a hypocrite, and I hate myself. I now own not just a Nikkor lens, but a body too. At least it takes film not SD cards!

Pics to follow when it gets here, if I'm not too embarrassed!

the way i see it you're just utilising your current setup, no embarrassment needed :LOL: (y)
Damn, you can't yet :LOL:
Canon Eos 30 to keep up the film habit. Had one before and got another! Love the feel of it. It's no Leica but still rather well designed!
Blimey the snake oil salesman' is back :D

Funny you should say that, I'm giving away some snake oil with every Bessa R I sell, hurry though this offer won't last for long :LOL:
Funny you should say that, I'm giving away some snake oil with every Bessa R I sell, hurry though this offer won't last for long :LOL:

You will need more than snake oil to ease any money out of me Nick....I haven't got any..... If you had put this up for sale 3 weeks ago I would have deffo had it but I'm spent up, broke, burrasic, down on me luck guv, spare a tanner for a cuppa tea, lend me a quid till Friday :shrug::LOL:

Can I tempt you to leave the darkside with this one and if you buy it, will give you a free copy of lightroom 4 :LOL:

Mmm.. tempting but tbh its a little cheap and tacky I prefer to spend my money on classy, well built pieces of engineering.
Not mine really, but the g/f has been hooked by playing with my Leica. She just bought a Bessa R2A and I got her a 35 1.4 Nokton Classic as a bday present. Nice combo, will definitely be 'borrowing' the 35 ;)
I'd rather have a Pentax too, but sadly Fujifilm got into bed with Nikon for their DSLRs so I'm stuck with F mount lenses, none of which hold a candle to Pentax. If I could make Pentax lenses work on that Fuji sensor, well that would really be something.

The F100 isn't too bad overall, I think I can live with it. Just defrosting a roll of XP2 so I can go play.
nothing too exciting but might help save some money. A 6x9 back for my Wista.

Yesterday, a Yashica Minister D arrived. bay seller even included a roll of Kodak Gold. No battery with it, and am searching as to which will be the best alternative battery. But I gather that by using a light meter I can then set the EV on the camera accordingly. From what I have learned, the battery is only for the camera's metering.
Wish I had never bought the Yashica Electro 35, ----- it has led to a Minolta Hi-Matic 9, then a Yashica MG1, and then the Minister.
Very nice - is that a Hadley Small? (I thought it might be the Pro but I can't see a handle).