Oh dear, my finger slipped!


Squeaky Clean
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After selling all my Olympus MFT kit 18 months ago and only having my camera on my phone, I found myself taking more and more shots with the phone, the images are ok but when blowing up, the quality falls too much for my liking, so I decided to have a look at something a bit better and I didn't really fancy anything used, so ruled MPB out straight away, we went into Currys and had a look at some of their offerings, but they only had 3 models on display, two Canon, one DSLR and one mirrorless, and one Panasonic G80 which I liked but I was still fancying something like a Fuji in silver, I love the retro look, anyway we got back home and I went on the WEX site and low and behold it was there in front of my eyes, in all its retro glory, the Nikon Z fc and the very 70s looking Z 16-50.
Now I was wondering how much delivery would be, and they did a Sunday delivery at a very reasonable price so I had a quick look at it and some how, between going from looking at a beautiful FM2 styled mirrorless camera, and checking out delivery prices for Sunday, my finger must have caught a button on my keyboard, and I am now the owner of this lovely bit of imaging equipment, I honestly cannot think which button was accidentally depressed, but I did look for the cancel button, but, I got side tracked and completely forgot about this mishap, until I read an email saying DPD will be paying me a visit tomorrow, anyway, lets see if its as nice in the flesh tomorrow when DPD have paid me the visit.
Oh and by the way, it was TP that led me to WEX in the first place, the scoundrels
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Best kind of "Whoopsie"!!!
I’ve stuck a red dot on my ‘Whoops’ button after buying a Fuji 16-80 the other week somehow!

Enjoy your new kit ;)
I also made a promise to myself not to press the Whoops button during the months of Julember, Septober and Nowonder.

I’ve not bought anything as yet! :)
I’ve stuck a red dot on my ‘Whoops’ button after buying a Fuji 16-80 the other week somehow!

Enjoy your new kit ;)

I'd quite Leica red dot type of whoopsie...
We can tell that you are genuinely filled with remorse. That's why you've come here for counselling. ;)
We can tell that you are genuinely filled with remorse. That's why you've come here for counselling. ;)
Yes of course, thats why I need to know the key to avoid, Norkie knows which one it is but hasn't shared this information just yet, until then ................ none of you are safe!
Funny, my finger does that sometimes as well. However, Mrs L says that she has a tool which she was saving for something else but can be slightly repurposed for a finger amputation.
Repent you sinners!
I can resist anything (apart from temptation)...
Its arrived :banana: it does look gorgeous and very 70s/80s but the slightly underwhelming part is the weight, its very light and the base is plastic, why would you make the part that is going to get the most hammer, plastic, ah well looks like a grip of some sort is needed to stop it getting bashed about, no sample images yet as the battery is still charging after 2 bloody hours:dummy:
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I often "whoops" when I'm pouring a small whisky in my glass..... :naughty:
Please can you explain? Surely “small” and “whisky” don’t go in the same sentence. Or paragraph. Or book.
Damn this finger, only gone and done it again in my sleep, this time a Nikkor Z 24-70f4 S turned up, ah well, never mind, looks like I will just have to find a use for it :LOL:
With that slippy finger, you'd better hope the paper holds up after the "morning ablutions"!!!
Damn this finger, only gone and done it again in my sleep, this time a Nikkor Z 24-70f4 S turned up, ah well, never mind, looks like I will just have to find a use for it :LOL:
Wel, you won’t regret your slip - it’s a great lens.
Had the exact same thing happen with my finger a few days ago and this morning some random delivery driver delivered a Nikon ZF to my door!
Do you know, the same thing happened to me a couple of months ago. Must be something going round. I think @lunar22 had better start wearing a mask, as he's starting to get similar symptoms.
The danger with slippy fingers is accidentally pressing the shutter release on a camera. The older camera designers were aware of this problem, and incorporated a very clever device which they called the "wind on". Alas, designers of digital cameras don't seem to have incorporated a wind on lever or knob into their cameras yet...
The danger with slippy fingers is accidentally pressing the shutter release on a camera. The older camera designers were aware of this problem, and incorporated a very clever device which they called the "wind on". Alas, designers of digital cameras don't seem to have incorporated a wind on lever or knob into their cameras yet...
It's called the "Off" switch!
I think @lunar22 had better start wearing a mask, as he's starting to get similar symptoms.
it doesn't help that there is a hands-on open day at the shop tomorrow where the Zf will be among the cameras featured. I must resist.....
it doesn't help that there is a hands-on open day at the shop tomorrow where the Zf will be among the cameras featured. I must resist.....

We will tell the Missus.
With the amount of camera gear I've bought recently that ‘Whoops’ button on my keyboard must move about.
With the amount of camera gear I've bought recently that ‘Whoops’ button on my keyboard must move about.
On Macs at least, they've carried out a firmware update to make that button thought-controlled. Works seamlessly.
it doesn't help that there is a hands-on open day at the shop tomorrow where the Zf will be among the cameras featured. I must resist.....

Oh dear, I see another finger slip moment on the horizon :LOL: