Old is the new new! (old Kodak content)

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hello folks,

thanks to the wonder that is Freecycle I've just collected this:

(please excuse the 'photos' as they are from my phone)

first there's this:

and that would be this:


containing this:


which is one of these:


and needs to be fed some of this:


any idea where I can find (and have developed) some of that tasty goodness? (I'm in wiltshire)
I think it may be the Art Deco model as it has the enamel sides and Deco style winder etc, has anyone had experience of one of these pretty little cameras? The better half's quite taken with it and it would be nice to get it working for her.

help, suggestions etc much appreciated!!
Yesterday, our oldest mechanic asked me about a camera he has. Had it for years and wants to know if its still usable. The chap is heavily accented and even after 30 years over here, we still sometimes struggle to understand him, but appreciate him anyway so I was a bit mystified when he was trying to explain what the camera was like, so asked him to bring it into work and we could have a look. It was only sitting in traffic on my drive home I realised what he meant - something like this one. No idea what make, but what he was trying to tell me is that the front pulls out. So, when I see it, will have a good old nosey round it, it should make my own new toy, the retinette look positively young and spritely. :LOL:
Looks lovely, Kodak also used to make a model called the 'vest pocket' which was huge!!