Old kit found, advice needed...? **Pics added**


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My mum has come across some old camera kit, all of which work, but in varous degrees of condition. Trouble is, neither of us know anything about film equipment, :shrug:both of us being new to photography and well ensconsed into the digital age! If I list what has been found, could people help me out with whether its decent kit, should be kept, sold, thrown away, etc. We really have no clue, so please feel free to tell us if its tat, or worth using and learning with or even that we should sell.

Hope this all makes sense....

Canon EOS-1 with battery grip
Canon 20-35mm L Lens
Canon 80-200 L Lens
Optimax 300mm Lens
Fujica 55mm lens (In original box)
Makinon 75-150mm Lens (In original box)
Prinzflex auto 2xconverter

Canon Speedlite 540EZ flash
Miranda 630cd flash
Fujica autostrobe 300x flash (with manual)

4x Ambico filters
4x Cokin filters
1x Fujica STX-1 camera manual

Hope all of the above makes sense? As far as I'm aware, the you can't use film lens on digital cameras? I know that L lenses are the best where Canon are concerned, but as a Nikon user, I know nothing more...?

PLease help.. whats your advice?

Some of that is potentially nice kit, the 2 L lenses it would be worth checking to see what kind of nick they are in as they would work on Eos diital bodies and might be worth a few quid.

The eos1 is quite nice as well (does it have a letter after the 1 or just a plain 1?).

Don't know about the rest, sorry
Some of that is potentially nice kit, the 2 L lenses it would be worth checking to see what kind of nick they are in as they would work on Eos diital bodies and might be worth a few quid.

The eos1 is quite nice as well (does it have a letter after the 1 or just a plain 1?).

Don't know about the rest, sorry

The EOS1 has a N after it? Been looking for the lenses, but they are discontinued. They have some rave reviews though, difficult to know what to do? I have a Nikon and know no one with a canon?

Thanks though for your reply, any help is fantastic(y)

(edit...The correct name for the larger lens is..Canon EF 80-200 mm f/2.8 telephoto lens.)
give you a tenner for it :LOL:
The EOS 1n was launched in 1994, replacing the previous EOS 1. The 1n was in return replaced by the EOS 1V in 2001 and which is still in production. Each of these cameras represents the top pro body in the range at that time.



The 1n would be highly desirable to many, should you want to sell it, but it would also make an excellent film camera should you decide to wise up and keep it. ;)

You should be able to use any current EF Canon lens on this body with the exception of EF-S lenses.

Depending on condition, I'd say the 1n body, the two L lenses and the Canon flash should be Ok - the rest is questionable quality although some of it will be OK.

My advice is clean up the Canon stuff and put a film or two through it. You might be very surprised. ;)
wish i could come across kit like this :puke:

if you do fancy getting rid of it, please gimme a PM (y)
A lot will depend on where and how it's been stored. Too often this sort of gear, once it drops out of use, gets consigned to the junk room or the bottom of a wardrobe or cupboard where mildew and fungus are likely to get at it. Have a good look through the lenses and you should be able to see any nasties like dust or fungus.
Take a look at the likes of www.mxv.co.uk or www.mifsusds.co.uk for the typical RETAIL prices of the kit. Bear in mind these prices are serviced and warranted, albeit with a suitable profit margin for them too.

Run a film through the camera, check the metering against other kit and test both lenses through their range. If all is OK, get it advertised on here- the lenses, whilst old will still command a decent price if in good condition. Reckon you'd make £150+ for the body and more for each lens (and thats without looking at what they may be worth retail )
/edit never mind, I just saw that you are a darksider :)

Try selling the lenses here, I'm quite sure they'd sell.
Thanks for all the replies guys, :) been having a play, it all works fine, just dunno what to do now? Gonna have a bit of fun finishing the film first, then probably try and sell it? :shrug: I thought maybe it was old stuff that no one would want, hence being dumped, but it seems not?!
Well the 70-200 and the 300mm would both get you a lot closer to those birdies than your kit lens. Not that I'm trying to sway you one way or the other. ;)

That' s a fully weather sealed body too.
Certainly all the Canon kit is worth hundreds of pounds dependant on condition and even the Fuji kit with what I presume are screw mount lenses.If you have nobody to look at this stuff to check it out I suggest that a troll through Ebay will give you an idea of real value.
You do though need to get it checked somehow to ensure it all works,I would haver thought wherever you live that there is a TP member nearby who could give it the once over.
Yep, those birds are gonna get stalked to within an inch of their lives!!

The story behind the canon kit is that it got found next to a bin in thurso. It got handed in to my mums place of work and she took it to the police station. it wasn't claimed and they returned it to her. She's had it two years now, and placed many adverts, but no one has come forward. Very random to have dumped such decent kit which is all still working?!

Thanks again for all your help, its invaluable.

So any one want to make an offer?!:LOL:
Heres a few photos of the kit

The body



The tiny bit of damage to the corner


The Canon EF 80-200mm f/2.8 L Telephoto zoom




The Canon 20-35mm L lens




Some more are in my gallery, but didn't want to bore you!:p
a lot of people rate the 80-200 as being as good in quality as the current 70-200 but slower to focus so if you sell it put a good price on it £300? - you may well get it (do a search for the magic drainpipe - this what it is known as)- there was someone on TP that in the last 10 days saying they were looking for one...
The 80-300 looks like it's taken a dunt on the front there Wilmorh
I think a bit of it has been dropped at some point - impact damage on lens and body.

I wonder whether some dishonest owner 'lost' all of this as an insurance claim; i can't imagine anyone dumping it if it was stolen, or not asking the police if it had been handed in if genuinely left behind
Nice load of kit, id be interested in the body should you wish to sell..
Hmmm, £300 for a lens you can't get any threaded filters on? Not so sure.

well strange as it seems these can get good money

this one


sold for $727

there was one was listed for £350 here

and this one is listed for $650


it's a lot of money for an old lens :shrug:
I think that battery grip is an extra, I read somewhere it takes 8 AA's:eek: and allows the body to shoot at 5fps, which is not to be sniffed at.
The 80-300 looks like it's taken a dunt on the front there Wilmorh

I think a bit of it has been dropped at some point - impact damage on lens and body.

I wonder whether some dishonest owner 'lost' all of this as an insurance claim; i can't imagine anyone dumping it if it was stolen, or not asking the police if it had been handed in if genuinely left behind

Def something has happened, the front of the lens has a slight 'dint', but seems to working, i've got a film in it, gonna test it over the next day or so and see how they turn out. Its heavy as anything with the grip on, with batteries and the lens on!!!

Nice load of kit, id be interested in the body should you wish to sell..

Feel free to make an offer!:)

well strange as it seems these can get good money.

Thanks ofr taking the time to look, its fascinating to see what its going for:eek:

I think that battery grip is an extra, I read somewhere it takes 8 AA's:eek: and allows the body to shoot at 5fps, which is not to be sniffed at.

Yep, eight batteries, just filled it up with them, worked straight away, once i'd figured out how to switch it on!
I think a bit of it has been dropped at some point - impact damage on lens and body.

I wonder whether some dishonest owner 'lost' all of this as an insurance claim; i can't imagine anyone dumping it if it was stolen, or not asking the police if it had been handed in if genuinely left behind

Did seem a bit strange, something a bit fishy i think!!
Just keep it and shoot some film, given that you have a camera that is of higher quality than most people will ever get to hold, (and this from a Nikonite).

Not looking gift horses in the mouth and all that.
If you do decide to sell and come up with some prices then feel free to advertise it in the classifieds here on TP. By all means continue your 'what is it worth' enquiries in this thread but please stop asking for offers to sell outside the classifieds.
If you do decide to sell and come up with some prices then feel free to advertise it in the classifieds here on TP. By all means continue your 'what is it worth' enquiries in this thread but please stop asking for offers to sell outside the classifieds.

I'm sorry:( it didn't start out as such, it was a genuine question which I had no idea about. Sorry again
Did seem a bit strange, something a bit fishy i think!!

Not really, if it was stolen, the thief probably thought it was digi, when he realised it was a film camera he probably thought it was too old to be worth anything and chucked it.