Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Catching someone in a photo unintentionally is fine ,but deliberately stalking someone from a hidden position can only be defined as creepy , I’m with Robin on this if you do take someone’s photo at least ask them if it’s o.k to publish it . You never know your subject might be somewhere they don’t want there partner to know about and could cause all sorts of problems if it gets known about . Bit of a far fetched scenario BUT it’s possible

Time for bed I reckon Dave, beer and internet forums are not always a good mix.
Or eBay for that matter, things can be said and bought that are regretted next day.
I do actually own a camera that is classed as the best street camera on the market as you Have to get in close, that is the Ricoh GR series.
.... It's beginning to seem to me that you belong to a somewhat unpleasant group of photographers. The activity is not much different from taking shots up girl's skirts and only differs in being a different target. It's creepy behaviour and personally intrusive. That's my opinion about it.

Haven't you got the guts to approach someone afterwards so that everybody might then feel comfortable?

We all have our own way of shooting, mine is up and close. If I get spotted then I'd gladly delete if asked, plus it is not against forum rules as far as I know.
.... As I said before, many people won't want to approach you and they will be just left feeling violated.

Your behaviour has got absolutely nothing to do with the forum's rules.

If one day someone spots you and comes over and smashes up your camera and/or puts you on the floor, you are probably going to deserve it.
.... It's beginning to seem to me that you belong to a somewhat unpleasant group of photographers. The activity is not much different from taking shots up girl's skirts and only differs in being a different target. It's creepy behaviour and personally intrusive. That's my opinion about it.

Haven't you got the guts to approach someone afterwards so that everybody might then feel comfortable?

.... As I said before, many people won't want to approach you and they will be just left feeling violated.

Your behaviour has got absolutely nothing to do with the forum's rules.

If one day someone spots you and comes over and smashes up your camera and/or puts you on the floor, you are probably going to deserve it.

You really are not a nice person to say I deserve to be put on the floor.
To my way of thinking street photography has to have a reason behind it and not just some random "people" picture, if it tells a story or makes the viewer smile then fair play (be the subject male, female or whoever). A picture of a woman having a pint does none of those things IMO.
.... :agree: Apart from one photo of a guy photographing a gull on a street bench and one more with a very strong composition between columns, I have yet to see any of Fuji Dave's candid street portraits tell any story or make a point. He's wasting his talent with a camera IMO.
You really are not a nice person to say I deserve to be put on the floor.
.... I wrote "probably deserve" because your behaviour in photographing them or their partner/friend is likely to offend someone to the point of reacting to you in that way. Getting physical with you may not be legal but there are plenty of people out there who won't be worried about that. So play nice and talk to your subject afterwards and all will be cool. And if it means you don't get to keep all your shots, so what, there'll always be others.

I'm probably on Fuji Dave's Ignore List now. He just doesn't understand what he's doing wrong and he could so easily make it right. Enough said.
She didn't know I took this photo of her at the time but I approached her afterwards and we are now friends :

Caity Smith Equine by Robin Procter, on Flickr

Photographed on Olympus System
deliberately stalking someone from a hidden position

It's beginning to seem to me that you belong to a somewhat unpleasant group of photographers. The activity is not much different from taking shots up girl's skirts
I think you both need to be careful what you post on a public forum.
These accusations are uncalled for...
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.... It's beginning to seem to me that you belong to a somewhat unpleasant group of photographers. The activity is not much different from taking shots up girl's skirts and only differs in being a different target. It's creepy behaviour and personally intrusive. That's my opinion about it.

Haven't you got the guts to approach someone afterwards so that everybody might then feel comfortable?

.... As I said before, many people won't want to approach you and they will be just left feeling violated.

Your behaviour has got absolutely nothing to do with the forum's rules.

If one day someone spots you and comes over and smashes up your camera and/or puts you on the floor, you are probably going to deserve it.

On Monday morning I will be getting in touch with my solicitor about your very offence post here, unless you would like to say sorry about this nasty post.
On Monday morning I will be getting in touch with my solicitor about your very offence post here, unless you would like to say sorry about this nasty post.

Actually forget about saying sorry as I am not going to waste my time spending my money in a court to have you up for slander. I love this forum so will carry on posting my images.
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On Monday morning I will be getting in touch with my solicitor about your very offence post here, unless you would like to say sorry about this nasty post.
..... Having now calmed down about the subject I was going to apologise for the harshness of my comment anyway before I read this. And so I apologise if you misinterpreted my words to be accusing you personally of photographing up girls' skirts. My comment about someone putting you on the floor was merely pointing out that it could easily happen and that the perpetrator would feel it was deserved.

Of course if you do not wish to accept my public apology and consult your solicitor, that is your choice but I am sorry for any hurt you felt.
Back on the subject of Olympus cameras, yesterday to my horror I noticed a sizeable soft grey 'stain' through my viewfinder while photographing a bird on roof against a deep blue sky. It was on my OM-1 + 150-400mm TC PRO + MC-20 rig on tripod. My horror was of course regarding having a possible problem with my beloved big white expensive lens.

A calm process of elimination by testing without the MC-20 to find it was still there, followed by swopping lenses to my 40-150mm F/2.8 PRO (at 150mm), showing the mark was still there. The mark was also still visible on the ORF image files when loaded on my computer.

So the problem was on the OM-1 body. Having read that this body has the latest automatic sensor wiper which operates at a zillion swipes per millisecond, I was a bit worried and not looking forward to being without my camera while it was away being maintained in Portugal by OMS - Usually a period of at least 14 days due to UK customs etc.

But the solution if it happens to you is quite simple and some of you may already know it :

With camera body facing down towards the floor (important) and open without a body cap... Switch to mechanical shutter if set on silent electronic shutter... Set highest fps burst rate... Machine gun lots of shots... It should dislodge the offending particle.

I am always extremely careful where I swop lenses when out photographing but these things can easily happen. I am very reluctant to poke anything into the camera body's opening and prefer to leave the professionals to do that.
Well @Fuji Dave

The best photos/art always cause controversy and if anyone feels uncomfortable that’s 100% on them not you, unless you have magic powers you cannot change in any way shape or form how people feel regardless of what you do.

If anyone felt uncomfortable they need to take a look at themselves and ask why. In almost all street photography the subject is unaware of your presence and just because you frame it between 2 pillars does not make you a peeping Tom.

It’s a bit like how some people read lewd things into a banana and others don’t!
Well @Fuji Dave

The best photos/art always cause controversy and if anyone feels uncomfortable that’s 100% on them not you, unless you have magic powers you cannot change in any way shape or form how people feel regardless of what you do.

If anyone felt uncomfortable they need to take a look at themselves and ask why. In almost all street photography the subject is unaware of your presence and just because you frame it between 2 pillars does not make you a peeping Tom.

It’s a bit like how some people read lewd things into a banana and others don’t!

Thanks, not sure I am even going to go out today as was up all night so might just go back to bed.
And having just looked through your Flickr stream Rohan , it appears the photo of the lady that gave me the wrong impression was a one off , and you did remove it , so I also apologise … leave it there
At the moment I really dont know what to do.
.... It's early in the day so grab a couple of hours sleep and go out and shoot your Gay Pride pics - They'll be fun. You mustn't let an argument on an internet forum stop you.
I'm late to the party on this one, and all I can say is, I'm surprised and shocked at some
of the posting actions and re-actions, of some long standing members.

I see that @Dale. took a middle ground with modding, had I got here first, I wouldn't have been so "generous"
I see that apologies have been offered and accepted.
So thanks to all concerned for those.

That is the end of that matter as far as I'm concerned, but just a heads up generally, please think about what you are posting...
Especially late at night when you maybe tired, generally fractious, or may not be thinking as clearly as you should for whatever reason.
I nearly reported some of the posts last night as I was quite shocked at the tone. But, I had hoped people would see sense in daylight and I'm pleased to see they have.
I nearly reported some of the posts last night as I was quite shocked at the tone. But, I had hoped people would see sense in daylight and I'm pleased to see they have.
Hence I hardly ever bother commenting or put my output on forums to many keyboard warriors I now just "like" or leave well alone anybodys posts The Internet at times can be a curse Thankfully we will now see the positive posts that I am used to on here
The Internet at times can be a curse Thankfully we will now see the positive posts that I am used to on here
.... As a symbol of peace, positivity and love, how about a very recent early morning photo of my local pair of Collared Doves : Taken on my OM-1 + big white jobby + 2x, so at maximum reach in low light :

LOVEY DOVEY by Robin Procter, on Flickr
A bit of street from me as it seems so bloody topical here lately.

Stavanger by Ajophotog, on Flickr
.... I love the sheep in this and the graphic character in the background with the big nose looking over the hedge and also the sign which says 'NORMAL'. IMO this is general street photography at its best.

Have just spotted the gull!
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Well finally I'm up and running with a 75-300mm thanks to Alby giving me a heads up on one at Park Cameras, Thx Alby :)

Have to say I'm a bit disappointed at todays results, maybe its just me out of practice, I was never really 'Pro' at this sort of stuff, but I thought I'd post here for some thoughts. In my defence lol there wasn't a lot too shoot just a few small birds in the garden.

Juvie Robin, I think?

robin by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

A couple of a sparrows

sparrow2 by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

sparrow by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

And finally a big bird I managed to ID all by myself :)

quatar by Steve Vickers, on Flickr

Edit They actually do look a little better on Flickr
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