Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Just a heads up - HDEW are doing the OM1 at £1734 until tonight !

I think that’s the cheapest I have seen and wish I had the money !!
Just a heads up - HDEW are doing the OM1 at £1734 until tonight !

I think that’s the cheapest I have seen and wish I had the money !!
.... And as an info backup to that, HDEW have excellent aftersales service and a warranty will be included even if not a direct one with Olympus OM. I bought my E-M1X from HDEW, one of them now sold. Both Jeff @the black fox and I have many years of experience buying from them.

I'm sure that Jeff will also strongly recommend them.
Me too. I just wish I had been able to be more patient and then I would have been able to buy it at a more sensible price. :LOL:
.... Aha, the exact science of hindsight :D

As a regular HDEW customer I knew they would be getting the OM-1 and I could have waited for the lower price but I ideally wanted it in time for my stay in Portugal to test it and life is not a rehearsal so I bit the bullet and spent the money. Absolutely no regrets!

It's not perfect but pretty close to it for my purposes. I don't like the two stiff control wheels but it's going to OMD Portugal sometime before Christmas for a full maintenance service and to see if anything can be done.

If someone is serious about wanting one, I would recommend selling other gear if money is tight.
yeah spotted that myself last night . still out of my reach unfortunately pension won't stretch that far plus I have spent a year learning how to use the mkiii properly and it ticks like a well oiled sewing machine in my hands .. tempted though just how to do it without divorce proceedings ...
but as robin says H.DEW is highly recommended
.... Very good news that you are now fast recovering!

I love the juxtaposition of plane and ship. A Royal Navy buddy of mine would be able to ID the type of ship but to me it looks like either one of the coastguard or THV vessels in attendance. The plane looks like it's in UK Coastguard livery.

PASSING SHIPS AT PORTLAND by Robin Procter, on Flickr

THV 'GALATEA' by Robin Procter, on Flickr

A portrait orientation cropping out the black 'keyhole' could result in a nice picture. But if not shot RAW on a 'proper' camera you would be struggling.

That's the thing about phone cameras > They are great for snapping a record of something or someone (Selfies!!!) but not much else.

Most people are unfortunately only interested in the subject of a photo rather than how good it is photographically. They only judge a photo on the subject's Wow! Factor.
It seems two steps forward, one back at the minute with my recovery, but slowly getting there.

I used to volunteer with Coastwatch, where we logged vessels passing the Needles. There was a lot of activity on the water on this day, the most interesting of which was a square rig type training ship. I have an AIS app on my phone (another use of the phone!) and I do sometimes try and ID them, but at this time I was all fingers and thumbs trying to press the right phone button with only a 20mm eyepiece on my binoculars :ROFLMAO: I do hope it was only water they were spraying.

I like that I may be able to snap a landscape with my phone when out with a long lens on my Oly.

I do like the red and white lighthouse and similarly coloured vessel behind. I’m sure I’ve seen Galatea at some point :)
It seems two steps forward, one back at the minute with my recovery, but slowly getting there.

I used to volunteer with Coastwatch, where we logged vessels passing the Needles. There was a lot of activity on the water on this day, the most interesting of which was a square rig type training ship. I have an AIS app on my phone (another use of the phone!) and I do sometimes try and ID them, but at this time I was all fingers and thumbs trying to press the right phone button with only a 20mm eyepiece on my binoculars :ROFLMAO: I do hope it was only water they were spraying.

I like that I may be able to snap a landscape with my phone when out with a long lens on my Oly.

I do like the red and white lighthouse and similarly coloured vessel behind. I’m sure I’ve seen Galatea at some point :)

Here we have Galatea in her home port of Harwich

DSCF2988 1.jpg
It seems two steps forward, one back at the minute with my recovery, but slowly getting there.

I’m sure I’ve seen Galatea at some point :)
.... Two steps forward minus one step back is still one step forward. So slowly but surely you can only improve. The trick is not get over ambitious or impatient and go three steps foward but five steps back! :D Some people do that!

THV Galatea :

Given her duties I think it's highly likely you will have seen THV Galatea somewhere just off the coast.

I know this is somewhat off-topic for a moment but if I was a billionaire I wouldn't want a superyacht, I would want this! :

MY FANTASY SUPERYACHT! by Robin Procter, on Flickr

And yes, I would take her to visit friends in Monaco.
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.... Two steps forward minus one step back is still one step forward. So slowly but surely you can only improve. The trick is not get over ambitious or impatient and go three steps foward but five steps back! :D Some people do that!

THV Galatea :

Given her duties I think it's highly likely you will have seen THV Galatea somewhere just off the coast.

I know this is somewhat off-topic for a moment but if I was a billionaire I wouldn't want a superyacht, I would want this! :

MY FANTASY SUPERYACHT! by Robin Procter, on Flickr

And yes, I would take her to visit friends in Monaco.
Great colours in that shot. I used to take my camera on watch with me. It was sometimes handy when trying to check a vessel name as although we used powerful scopes, taking a photo and zooming in afterwards could help, especially if the vessel was travelling at speed. First priority of course was always looking out and usually the camera stayed in its bag :)
Recent kingfisher shot taken on the OM1 with the white one 150-400 the location for this and the other Kingfishers in this location is messy background always a challenge ISO 2000 700mm F8 ran through denoise and sharpen minor tweaks in lightroom thereafter Really need to get back to this location and try and get some cleaner shots 2nd photo shows what you have to work with in this location

king 2 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr

king 3 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr
Recent kingfisher shot taken on the OM1 with the white one 150-400 the location for this and the other Kingfishers in this location is messy background always a challenge ISO 2000 700mm F8 ran through denoise and sharpen minor tweaks in lightroom thereafter Really need to get back to this location and try and get some cleaner shots 2nd photo shows what you have to work with in this location

king 2 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr

king 3 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr
That does look a challenging background. Can I ask why you wouldn't use the lens wide open? Does it not give enough dof at 700mm? I usually leave my 300mm at f/4
Hi bebop user error on my part as you rightly point F4 is the normal go to for me I remember the night before I was out landscaping and had left it on my landscape custom mode hence the F8
Hi bebop user error on my part as you rightly point F4 is the normal go to for me I remember the night before I was out landscaping and had left it on my landscape custom mode hence the F8
Thanks. It is useful to know. I'm always slipping up, but I did wonder if it was by design. You'll have to take a shot at f/4.5 and see how the background looks.
It's so annoying when the birds don't sit in a good spot!
Lovely shot Jeff. Good to see you are out and about again. Is it maybe a female? It looks a tad 'faded' for a male.
DEFO a male posted the female earlier with a caterpillar
Recent kingfisher shot taken on the OM1 with the white one 150-400 the location for this and the other Kingfishers in this location is messy background always a challenge ISO 2000 700mm F8 ran through denoise and sharpen minor tweaks in lightroom thereafter Really need to get back to this location and try and get some cleaner shots 2nd photo shows what you have to work with in this location

king 2 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr

king 3 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr
.... This is where the m4/3 sensor has limitations in that it delivers a deeper DoF even when the lens is wide open. For close-up macro work that is an advantage but.

Both the Olympus 300mm F/4 PRO and 150-400mm TC PRO lenses are well known for their good DoF performance when wide open, but it depends what you want to achieve. Sometimes the solution is to find another angle to shoot from.

There is a spot which looks like this on the River Stour where there are nearly always Kingfishers to shoot and moving camera position always helps to reduce or avoid a messy distracting background..

I like the first image best - The image quality of the bird is spot on.
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Out yesterday in pretty poor conditions shooting in my local woods very overcast 1st time I have shot at ISO 12800 @F4.5 1/1000 150-400 on the OM1 the photo below whilst it will not win any awards I was pleasantly surprised how well it came after a run through topaz de noise and topaz sharpen minor tweaks afterwards in lightroom with a touch of clarity and dehaze

I think I have taken for granted how each new Oly/OMDS camera brings improvements and with software such as Topaz show me shots that I would have not bothered with a few years ago due to noisy files are now within reach of even me with my limited lightroom skills

iso 12800 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr
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three lapwings in flight from last week . hopefully got some good shots from this mornings session to
first lap by jeff cohen, on Flickr
reed warbler from this mornings session hand held at 1/100th sec amazed it came out at all 1.mkiii +100-400 .. it was in deep reed cover ,no time to change settings
out of the shadows by jeff cohen, on Flickr
o.k so the jury is out another shot of todays bird any experts on warblers about
what am I ??? by jeff cohen, on Flickr
Don't know why I'm not expert enough, but it's not Reed because:

1. Doesn't have the characteristic head shape of an Acrocephalus warbler

2. Two-tone chestnut/grey rather than all-chestnut

3. Short-winged = "I am not a long-distance migrant"

4. Bill too short

Cocked-tail posture also strongly suggestive of Cetti's.
Pretty much confirmed by consensus that its a Cetti’s warbler .well chuffed tbh
Can people tell me what the de facto hot shoe mounted flash is for Olympus? I have the em10mk4 and would like an external flash.

I ordinarily use a Nikon SB800 on my Nikon camera so something like that.
Yes, they are difficult enough to see let alone photograph. :)
.... Yes, but easy to hear sing though! As loud as a Wren. Often heard but rarely seen.
another shot of yesterdays cettis warbler .. still chuffed .. not bad for 1/100th sec hand held at 400mm either
breaking cover by jeff cohen, on Flickr
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