Olympus Trip 35 post your shots

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Hopefully should have mine in the next few days ordered from tripman, but would be intrested in seeing some shot's and what film you used.
Am waiting for mine to arrive as well, fingers crossed it doesn't take too long.
Mines finally arrived, now just need to get out there and take some pictures!
Are ya gonna open this up to all 35mm compacts ?
The trip is popular but I can't see the thread going very far with only 3 Trip owners..:)
I think.. but am not sure anymore.. I put some up on a thread ages ago... but if not they're on my blog and i can drag them on :)
Got my first set of pictures back from club35, what a belting little camera some of the images from this camera are really impressive.
I've got 3, but I'm away from home Mon-Fri for a while and a bit pushed for time.
Just one of the photos taken with my trip.


I am sorry I don't know what film was used, we buy film in bulk (mainly from e-bay) and keep it in the freezer until we use it. I do know it is an out of date film but it could be one of many different makes.
We processed the film ourselves and scanned the negative.

Ah ok no problem, have done the same as well and bought a various batch of out of date film, am hoping the results come out well!
I hope they do to and you have as much fun as we did with the trip..... Well with all our old cameras really.


Does this count as a trip shot? :p

Mine has arrived and I gave it a bit of a clean,just waiting on the film being delivered.
Just posted off my first reel of film, soon as it's back i'll post up the result.