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My Olympus OM1 has just arrived :D It's so lovely, I'm intending to take it out later to try it out :) It came with a strap but it's slightly broken in places and the lens has no lens cap, so I have an excuse to go and buy some things for it, hehe. Here is is, nicknamed Oliver, hehe :D

I loved my olys

Had the OM1 and the OM2 and a range of lenses. In the days of production they were quality cameras and of cause started the trend towards smaller cameras, I went from Nikon Fs to olys so a massive difference.

I may have a lens cap for you as my 50mm f1.8 is damaged.
I'll look tonight.
Oh, thank you! Sorry to hear about your damaged lens though.
If you need a strap let me know and will have a look I might have one somewhere from my late om10 I'm not 100% sure though.
If I find it it's yours
Ah thank you about the strap! I've Superglued this one but obviously it's not terribly satisfactory, hehe.

I did indeed buy it from Ffordes, for £59 :) (apologies if you were thinking of buying this one, eep) I know there are a few on Ebay at the moment (because I've naughtily been looking for a companion for it for shooting colour when this one's got black and white in) I've just searched OM1 and a few have appeared :)

I've just put a roll of film through it to try it out, it's very satisfying to use, I forgot how much I enjoyed using the SLRs at college :D I'll develop it later I think, the photos are probabaly dreadful (thanks to me of course :LOL:)
Don't worry I just asked if it was the ffordes bacause you mentioned you were looking at it in your previous thread..
If I find the strap will let you know
Thank you :)

I've just developed the film and am waiting for it to dry :D
Aaaahh! I loved my OM-1, what a great little camera that was, pure quality. Enjoy!
Perhaps it's not fair if the camera has a name and the lens doesn't :LOL:

I'm slightly embarassed to say that all of my cameras have names, eep :whistle:
The OMs are great.

The thing to check on OM-1s is that the battery mod has been done, as you can't get the batteries these days - something to do with the mercury level.

Although I don't think I've ever changed my battery, they are not doing much so last for ages.
Ooh yes I mean to ask about this- how would I check? :) The exposure meter seems to move but I've not noticed the blinking red light mentioned in the manual.

Saying this, I read somewhere that this camera didn't take batteries, though of course now I understand they do, but could I use it without? :) (If the battery mod hasn't been done, if I can work out whether it has)
I suppose easiest way would be to check what kind of battery is installed. If it's an original it'll be a 1.35v mercury battery (Eveready (UCAR) EPX625, Mallory PX625 or equivalent. ) If you've one of those, easiest is to get a pack of 675 zinc-air batteries (sold at chemists as hearing-aid batteries :)) and use one of them, preferably with something like a rubber o-ring or bit of insulated wire around it to take up the space. The #675's are 1.4v which will probably read a wee-bit high (maybe 1/3 - 1/2 stop) but most of the silver-oxide jobs are 1.5v and read high out of the box. At least the #675's are cheap enough to swap regularly.

The conversions as far as I know involve soldering a diode in series with the battery holder to drop the voltage from silver-oxide cells, there's a mention of it here - scroll down until you find the OM-1 makeover heading.
OM1's are great cameras - was my first SLR, thinks i've still got a few bits for it kicking around.
Just looked - got a std Zuiko 50mm 1.8 in leather case + 75-150 Zuiko zoom lying around in a drawer - yours if you can cover the cost of postage and a couple of pints.
Any spare bits for it very much appreciated, hehe :D Paid for with postage too of course :) Many thanks to those of you who've offered to look for lens caps/ straps and such :)
Just looked - got a std Zuiko 50mm 1.8 in leather case + 75-150 Zuiko zoom lying around in a drawer - yours if you can cover the cost of postage and a couple of pints.

You've got a PM, its on its way :)
These are from the first couple of colour films I used in it :) Still got to develop the black and white one, I didn't do these myself, hehe. Nothing thrilling framing wise etc but I thought I'd post them :)

From Aston Hall, I used some ISO 200 film, may've been Kodak or may've been another I can't remember, which was given to me, I think it was one that the person got when a film was developed and may've been a little expired but had been kept in a fridge, and some expired Kodak from 2001 with an ISO of 400. The first photo's from the 200 and the others are from the expired film from the car boot I think, hehe.





My Olympus OM1 has just arrived :D It's so lovely, I'm intending to take it out later to try it out :) It came with a strap but it's slightly broken in places and the lens has no lens cap, so I have an excuse to go and buy some things for it, hehe. Here is is, nicknamed Oliver, hehe :D


And a thing of beauty it is (y)(y)

Enjoy and treasure it,and NEVER NEVER EVER lend it to ANYONE :nono:
I did that with my OM10 I didn't have a problem taking it apart but when the time came to put it back together... when i put it in the bin it was in almost 30 pieces.:bonk:

That's SO sad!!! I bought an Olympus OM10 in 1986 and absolutely loved it! Our house was broken into in 1994 and the OM10 was stolen, along with all my good jewellery! I have missed that camera immensely ever since.

I was feeling really blue today, so imagine my surprise and delight this afternoon, when my husband (Cowasaki) decided to give me one of my birthday presents early - an Olympus OM10 - a replacement for my much-loved camera. I'm SO excited! I can't wait to get the films he's ordered - hopefully tomorrow - so that I can take her for a spin. I've had an Canon EOS 300V and currently have a Nikon D40X - but they're not the OM10.

Ah, happy days.