om4ti or om2s program

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Can I have a few views on what would be the best one to buy out of these two. I'm a om1n and om2n user but want to add to my set up, but can't decide which one would be an improvement on what I've got already.

either would be good. Working from memory I think the 4Ti gave you the option of multi spot metering (up to 9 readings) whereas the OM2SP was just the one. Battery drain on the OM2SP was sometimes an issue as well.

Personally I'd go with the 4Ti or the plain OM4 which was the same but without the titanium top/bottom plates.
Personally I'd go with the 4Ti or the plain OM4 which was the same but without the titanium top/bottom plates.

Actually not quite right.

The orginal OM4 had battery drain problems as well so they changed the electronics in it, added a titainum top and base plate and re-launched as the OM4Ti. The other advantage it had was that it would sync at all the speeds, up to 1/1000th, using the dedicated flash F280.

OM4s and the manual counterpart OM3 would only spot up to 8 points then average the value.

I have an OM4 and it is a great little camera and as a tip if your not using it move the shutter speed dial to the B setting, that way it is not using any battery power and slows down the draining by quite a bit.

OM4Ti without a doubt. Magic camera.

The spot metering / averaging was ahead of its time
Also has TTL 'off-the-film' metering with the OM T series flash guns, and, using the correct connectors & cords up to 9 flash units can be connected.

See : for all the OM range.

As stated earlier avoid the OM4 due to battery drain, although I believe at one time it was possible to have the electronics upgraded, don't know if this is still an option.
Actually not quite right.

Thanks for that, this old memories not as good as it used to be :p Having said that I don't remember having problems with the batteries when I had an OM4. I bought it second hand so maybe it had already had the "refit" as John-oh mentions :)
Another vote for the OM4Ti, I've got one and it's a joy to use!
I've been looking at them - got 2 OM-10's, and some 3200ISO film I cant use in them... I'm assuming the OM1/2/3/4 range will take the faster film?