Once loved.....(Mono Added)

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Lower Diabaig - Torridon
I almost left here with my tail between my legs, couldnt get a composition I was happy with. The old wreck has ran aground close to the shoreline and its quite a tight cove. Theres really only one place to catch it from to get some clear sky behind it.

The water was about 2 feet deep so waded out and wedged my tripod into some big rocks. Its a 5 minute exposure with the black glass filter on. After setting the shutter I waded around (up past my wellies) firing the flash gun (from behind a black jacket) to try and throw some light on the boat. I have a mono version thats probably better, will post that soon.

Not sure how much difference the light painting with the flash did but it kept me moving and with the cold seawater over the top of my wellies I 5 minutes in there can feel like a long time :)

Once loved - Lower Diabeg by Michael~Ashley (Catching up), on Flickr
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No critique from me, i think it's beautiful:love:
Worth the hassle and wet. A very nice shot, well composed and exposed(y)
It is certainly an eye-catching shot, with the dark vignette focusing you on the wreck and the wonderful colours around it.....fantastic! (y)
Really like it!...I'd happily get wet feet for a capture like that
Thanks everyone.

Beautiful shot. I would also be interested to see if a lighter vignette would work.

I seem to be agreeing with you quite a lot on threads. Have you been on one of my workshops? :)

Thanks - I'll give it a go, the dark vignetting isnt added in PP. Ive shot this at 10mm and the screw on 10 stopper causes quite a lot of vignette at longer exposures - I'll have a bash at lightening it. (y)
I like this and the vignette seems fine to me, be interested to see a lighter version though. One word of advice though, next time use waders! :)
That's beautiful Michael.
Can't add much more to what's already been said, but definitely well worth the effort.
I'm 50/50 on the vignette. Love what it does at the bottom of the image, not so keen on it taking some of the light out of the sky.
Maybe try masking the upper part of it out?

It would be interesting to see how it looks in B&W but it's the subtlety of the colours that makes this for me so I don't think I'll be swayed away from what you've already posted.
Brilliant image I visited this spot only a few weeks ago, my efforts are poor in comparison to this. Quite a drive there too :runaway:
Hi, This is a "Cracking Shot" really like it very much. Thanks for showing it to us.(y)
I prefer the colour shot - it's wonderful-almost surreal-certainly ethereal.
Just to give you an idea of the environment Michael was working in here is a shot of the wreck at low tide, this was taken just a few weeks ago.

wreck TP by MJRD7000, on Flickr
In my humble opinion your dedication has given you a wonderful result. I prefer the colour version.