Once you think you're out, it drags you back in...

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Anyone looking to part with a MF SLR? I was too hasty in my desicion to leave MF behind a few months ago and now I want back in.

If only I could get a deal as good as the one I gave when I sold my old SQ-A setup....

Complete SQ-A/WLF with 80mm PS lens
150mm PS lens
2 x 120 backs
1 x Polaroid back (not that I ever used it)
SQ speed grip

all that for around £300 I think it was...

stupid innit..:shake:

I sold my Mam 6 to Steve, and then cos he's such a top dude, and I missed it, he sold it back to me 6 months later for the same money.
Its only thing protecting my bank account from another EC.

what's all that about, they're just cameras...doh
I was considering PM'ing Wail to find out if he wants to sell the SQ-A back to me, but I see he's moved back to Saudi Arabia... :bonk:

I'm so bad with money, though - I spend until I have just enough to get buy for the month and then realise I've over spent, so then I end up selling my least used camera gear... only to miss terribly whatever a sold a few months later and start the cycle all over again. Sucks :wacky:
that was a stonking deal you did esp given the nick of the kit you had, i paid almost 300 for a SQAm with 150 s lens and speedgrip plus 120 back. Ill let you know how i get on over the summer but with uni looming I can see it being sold in August :crying:
that was a stonking deal you did esp given the nick of the kit you had, i paid almost 300 for a SQAm with 150 s lens and speedgrip plus 120 back. Ill let you know how i get on over the summer but with uni looming I can see it being sold in August :crying:

DON"T sell it. Trust me, you will regret it big time. Wait a minute, what am I saying?

DO sell it - I have crisp twenty quid notes waiting :LOL:
just got my first pics back, only 6 could be printed because the others were so underexposed.

But they are very enticing...ill see how the next roll goes and let you know ;)
I'm back in the MF game once again (y)

Bronnie SQ-Ai with both WLF and metered prism finder plus 2 x 120 backs, a polaroid back and 3 lenses - 50mm PS, 80mm PS and a 150mm (non-PS).

Mods, if you EVER see me trying to sell a Bronnie on this forum, please just ban me. :bonk:

EDIT: ok, got the lenses mixed up, it's 50mm S, 80mm PS and 150mm S.
Here's the lot, including some out of date 120 film and packs of B&W polaroid

how much'd it set ya back ekimo?

If I may ask that is,, I know someone selling hassy kit and I was wondering how much dearer it is than the other alternatives
Good to see you sorted. :)

David, you should be looking at £500+ for a good hassy with WLF and an 80mm and one or two backs.

Tatty should be a little under and mint can go up to £1000.
cool! got my first shots with the bronica back this week dont have a scanner but maybe i can take photos of the prints...
goddam everything looks good in MF

might ditch my hassy ideas and go bronica once I've sorted out a darkroom :D
had the bronnie out today, even if the pics are pants my gf enjoys using it too-that doesnt happen with digi
Yip, MF rocks big time.

I also have a roll of Astia 100 from Saturday which I've yet to develop, containing some wide-angle close encounters with a pretty tame fox...

TBH, I think the ID-11 developer I used in the above shots is passed it a bit - it's been in storage bottle for about 4-5 months, resulting in a lack of detail for the most part...
That looks like a fab kit there. I've had all sorts of exotic bits of kit over the years but the SQ was my first MF camera and always pulls at the nostalgia strings more than anything in the imaging world.

Also, with my level head on, I've never been shown any evidence that's convinced me you can get a better result from any other 6*6 system.