One from todays bimble

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Out for a bimble around our local lake and forest, Lac Montbel, Ariege, S. France. There were a few Southern White Admirals about but they were a bit flighty as it was very warm and sunny, however they do like to settle in a patch of sunlight on a leaf, in this case set back into the trees, so, expose for the highlights and let the shadows fall as they may :)

s white-admiral.jpg
Very nice photo.
How do you do that background being pitch black? Do you edit it PP and cut it out?
Or does flash do that effect?
Very nice photo.
How do you do that background being pitch black? Do you edit it PP and cut it out?
Or does flash do that effect?
Hi, thanks, its a combination of exposing for the highlights and then some minor photoshop to strengthen the effect - The image was in a patch of sunlight amongst the forest so shooting into the dark area but focusing on and exposing for the lightest area - this was shot on a Nikon D810 - Sigma 150mm macro lens, Iso 250, 1/400sec @ f10. I never use flash for my wildlife images as I need the subtle colours / markings for ID in many cases and I don't like the artificial look they get. Mind you this has virtually that look but without the harshness on the insect :)
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Hi, thanks, its a combination of exposing for the highlights and then some minor photoshop to strengthen the effect - The image was in a patch of sunlight amongst the forest so shooting into the dark area but focusing on and exposing for the lightest area - this was shot on a Nikon D810 - Sigma 150mm macro lens, Iso 250, 1/400sec @ f10. I never use flash for my wildlife images as I need the subtle colours / markings for ID in many cases and I don't like the artificial look they get. Mind you this has virtually that look but without the harshness on the insect :)
I see, thank you for the explanation. I was wondering how you get this effect.
Sounds like combination of all those will work, need to try it out some day, always wanted do macro shots in a woods :)
Very nice photo.
How do you do that background being pitch black? Do you edit it PP and cut it out?
Or does flash do that effect?
Personally I like the background - although there is someone on other forums who is very very anti such things.
If the late lamented gardenershelper were still alive he would know exactly who I mean!
Nice photo I wish we had them in the UK.