Only Fangs - Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

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Close up image of tarantula fangs belonging to my Green Bottle Blue (Chromatopelma cyaneopubecens) and a photo of her munching her lunch below.

She's a truly beautiful girl but damn, those fangs look terrifying close up. The fang shot was among the first Macro shots I took when I picked up a dedicated Macro lens last year.

Because most of my subjects are living and moving, I have to handhold 99% of my shots. Any tips are always welcome.

Very detailed fangs, lovely colours on the body too :)
Any tips are always welcome.

As long as they're not the tips to her fangs...

Can't offer any helpful advice - you look to be far better at this sort of shot than me (not to mention that I'm not overfond of spiders.)
Impressive, lovely colours ;)
Nice images, great spider (y)

Can't offer anything, looks like you know what your doing.

Could I ask are the fangs a crop or high mag lens?
I believe for the fang shot I used my camera's high res function where it takes 8 images and stitches them into a single 96MP image which I then cropped in on.

Even at f/13, I couldn't get sufficient depth of field without doing a focus stack in post production so the extra resolution enabled me to get a bit more shooting distance and claw some of that depth of field back.
I believe for the fang shot I used my camera's high res function where it takes 8 images and stitches them into a single 96MP image which I then cropped in on.

Even at f/13, I couldn't get sufficient depth of field without doing a focus stack in post production so the extra resolution enabled me to get a bit more shooting distance and claw some of that depth of field back.
Thank you, I guess a patient spider helps too ;)
Thank you for the kind comments.

@Nod , it's quite funny. A lot of my friends who were petrified of spiders are now really calm around them and hugely interested in how my 8 legged gang are getting on. Some of them who couldn't bear the thought of looking at them now actually go up to the tarantula room when they visit just to check on their favourite and I find that so cool that their opinions can change so much through exposure.

Beyonce (pictured) is very much a timid and reclusive soul but if I feed her, she will pose for me occasionally.
Thank you, I guess a patient spider helps too ;)
Definitely, I generally have to wait to see who's out and about and give them some bonus food as payment for staying still for me. You get to know all their personalities and that helps with getting a good, interesting image.