Orange Tip Butterflies

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Spotted this curious behaviour today where the male would land on the female and flutter it's wings against the female. Alas I wasn't geared up for macro work as I was out photographing steam trains so only had the Canon 24-105mm f4L with me at the time. However it was something I'd not seen before...

A fairly largish crop...

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I was chasing orange tips today but they just would not settle for long enough, at least you got something
Thanks Chris. Apparently they are one of the signs of Spring being one of the first species to emerge that has not overwintered as an adult.

I was chasing orange tips today but they just would not settle for long enough

I got told this tip, cut out a butterfly shape from white paper and put it on a flower or plant and the male Orange Tips will be attracted to it as one of the first things they do after emerging is to look for mates... I keep meaning to try it, so maybe someone could have a go and see if it works or not....
I have been told that the raising of the abdomen by the female is to deter the male from mating, I have seen it occur in other butterfly species.