organised for camera charging

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I got fed up trying to find the right battery charge and related power outlet, so a be reorg . on the side desktop was called for


so built a raise shelf out of scrap wood in the garage for the power sockets and to charging uinits underneath labelled up. now even got a bit of space if I need it. Also added a wood strip behind the charges to stop them falling down the back of the desk
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I like the labelling, worth the world.
Roll on the day when everything just uses USB-C!
Absolutely! I was trying to dig out an old micro 4/3 camera for my brother to borrow since I had a spare macro lens, I had a Panasonic GH1 and GH2 he could borrow. I started digging through an old box of chargers and finding the right charger was an absolute pain in the neck, the GH1 and GH2 have different chargers, batteries and AC adapters which are also different to the various other Panasonic cameras as well.

I have USB-C chargers dotted round the house and it's super handy I can charge my mirrorless camera, tablet, laptop, action camera, e-book reader etc. and when travelling it makes it all much simpler as well.
I have USB-C chargers dotted round the house and it's super handy I can charge my mirrorless camera, tablet, laptop, action camera, e-book reader etc. and when travelling it makes it all much simpler as well.
The latest option in 3rd party Canon batteries is to have a USB-C slot in the battery, rather than need a charger.
The latest option in 3rd party Canon batteries is to have a USB-C slot in the battery, rather than need a charger.

That's a far too sensible idea to be universally adopted!
Having a raised ledge for the power supply gives that bit of extra desk top room, with the supports wood glued to the des,k and the ledge screwed into them..

haveng many different cameras over the years even from the same make (Nikon) they it seems find it imposible to use the same battery,. I guess the brainless ones who make the cameras don'ti realise theie own brand of battery will be not used but third party ones ued as spare insteady
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Just counted, I have 28 chargers.
I never use them all at once, they stand in a plastic storage box, and next to that is a tray with four figure of 8 mains cables and 6 USB cables fixed to it, then I just use the chargers as needed.
Takes up little space, convenient and never a missing charger.