Osprey Stratos still the go to camera backpack / bag?

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As above, when i used to go a walking I never found a camera bag that was good enough for hiking and photography, ended up with the stratos 36 and byob insert and it was great, thats a good few years ago and all sold. Now ive rejoined the micro 4/3rds with a new OM1 Mk2 with 12-40mm Im looking at getting out into the landscape again and wondering if people have any good suggestions that have come along in the last few years?
I think so as a vfm option. I'm using a Stratos with a Tenba insert and really like the comfort of the mesh back. If you are looking at a more photography focussed option with carrying comfort then I believe f Stop and Shimoda are rated quite highly but aren't that cheap
I use an Osprey Kamber with an insert. Rear opening too ;)
Interesting, never seen the kamber i have to admit, the only thing that still sways me to the stratos is the net "keep off your back" system what ever that is called.