out of date film...

ian lancaster
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...going cheap on ebay etc.

does anyone buy it? what are the risks with out of date stuff? any experiences welcome...
the basic problem is the colour shifts over time and you start to lose speed (with colour films).

However having said that i'm shooting some Velvia (snap:p) thats about 2 1/2 years out of date and has been kept in drawers and cupboards and its still fine. just dont epect 25 year old slide film to be perfect, but a few years should be no hassle, more if its been kept in a fridge and even more if frozen.

This does not apply to colour infrared film!!! If its OOD kill it, you lose sensitivity rapidly and it's not worth it

Haha put it this way i wouldnt be so botherd about ebay. your more likely to come across out of date film in high street shops i wont mention names , thats my experince anyway . and not just out of date film but damaged too ie Water damage.
I have about 6 rolls in the fridge from about 5 years ago and I don't even have a film camera :) It is cheapy film that came free with some developing though!
good job Ive got dozens of rolls of the old velvia 50 in the freezer then! might have to get it out and use it now :)
Keep film in the fridge and it lasts for years past it's 'use by' date. Just get it out overnight before you use it to get rid of of any condensation from bringing it out into the warm. Film should really be kept on a refrigerated shelf anyway if you buy from a pucka photographic retailer.
You can get some brilliant effects from using out of date film. Just don't shoot a family wedding with it :) Out of date film plus cross processing = win!
I just scored 4 rolls of expired provia 400f and 2 velvia at one of my local camera shops for £5!!! so I went round them all and asked! no luck though but I suppose it pays to keep going as eventually some more will crop up :)

If you have a london camera exchange local to you i'd go there first as apprently jessops return thier expired film yet a few weeks ago a friend of mine had a job lot sold to him for £6
thanks for the response...i will be keeping an eye out for any bargains.
Try 35 YEARS out of date!


And it had been kept in a loft in varying temperature.
The lens had fungus on it too, which doesn't help!
The blobs all over it are the result of the paper backing on the film (120 roll) printing through onto the negative.
Ive found five unopened Kodak royal iso 200 rolls, expired 09/2003. Is it worth using it?
Ive found five unopened Kodak royal iso 200 rolls, expired 09/2003. Is it worth using it?

Well.. I wouldn't risk doing a wedding with it, but it may well be OK. Deterioration is very gradual after the use by date, but a lot depends on the temperature it's been stored at - cooler is better, which is why people tend to bung it in the fridge or freezer, which can substantially prolong it's useful life.
It'll have been kept at temperatures between 20-25ºC so I guess I'll shoot a test roll to see how it turns out.