Over processed?

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I love this shot, I've used an ND grad in Lightroom to pull out the sky, what do you think?

It looks like the gradient you have used is too - there's an unnatural looking transition around the level of the horizon.

It does have lots of potential though - the colours look good, it's just the transition between sky and ground.
Blimey - I like the processed image :thinking:
Never thought I'd be saying that when I clicked this thread out of pure curiosity.

Just my 2p - I think the shot is strengthened with a light crop off the top as the swirly stuff above the cloud layer pulls attention from the beach. And you lose the distracting highlight on the top left.
Ha, can see what your saying Duncan but I don't want to put the horizon in the centre of the shot and the foreground has some interest so don't want to crop that to compensate.
It's a really interesting shot.
There's a very sci-fi look to the processed version. There's a book cover there somewhere, someone just has to write the story.

Great original shot, but great processing too
I like the original.
Why do you even have to ask the question as to whether over processed or not? Surely by asking, you are thinking "hmm maybe..."

By the way.. YES!
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I have to say, with a slight crop and rotation to straighten the horizon, the original is a better looking shot.

Just my opinion of course.


Have to admit I prefer the original too. I can see the edited version working really well on something like a poster for a film but as an image on it's own personally I think the processing's a little OTT.

Just an opinion though. :)
The original is flat dull and boring and the processed image is waayyyy over processed. Do I like it......too bloody right I do :)

If you asked 10, or even 100, to do their PP version you would have a huge variation in the end results. So whilst no one can 'second guess' what you want what we can do is to make suggestion how to improve what you've done even if it is not to each persons taste. But sorry I'm not good enough to take on that role as I'm still with 'L plates' on PP'ing skills.

As to the way you've PP'd - no it is not really something I would have over my mantle piece as I am into calm furnishings/colour schemes & I reckon that would be too much in my face.
Blimey - I like the processed image :thinking:

Just my 2p - I think the shot is strengthened with a light crop off the top as the swirly stuff above the cloud layer pulls attention from the beach. And you lose the distracting highlight on the top left.
Agree love the image so different
Well I think I've got a positive response to the processed version. I prefer that to the original.
I think Steve V hit the nail on the head for me -
'The original is flat dull and boring and the processed image is waayyyy over processed. Do I like it......too bloody right I do'
Given the comments above I'll probably lessen the impact of the 'swirly stuff' top left but I ain't up for cropping!
Going to print it big for a local shop, I think if the colours tie in with somebody's decor it will sell (maybe)
Thanks to everybody for their input.
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I really do like this image regardless of the processing.
The lines in the sand, the silhouetted skyline with windswept trees, the figures on the beach . . . all adds up to something very, very appealing.

Personally, I think the question should be "Over Processed for what?"

As somebody mentioned above, fantasy / post-apocalyptic / sci-fi poster or book cover then the processed version is perfect.
Hanging on the wall and looking at it every day then it's the original for me with maybe a more subtle contrast and saturation tweak . . . if you're looking to sell it as a piece of wall art then that's the option I'd go for.

p.s. I know you're not going to do it, but I agree with the crop comment too :p