weekly Oy's Weekly Photo Thingamabob for 2024 : WEEK 26 : Natural Abstract & Contrasty Tech

Week 25 : Snapper's Choice & Minimalist Tech

Happy to grab this today and appologies for my absence since last week. Came down with the dreaded Covid and was poorly! Crawled out of bed today and made it down to the prom, took this, came back. Straight back to bed. Just crawled out again to post it. The upside is - in 6 days I've lost 10lbs of blubber - every cloud etc.

like the contrast between the boat and back ground. Hope you are on the mend after Covid, congrats on the 10 lbs though can think of better ways of losing weight. I’m in the same boat lost 5kg after op, got my appetite back now but still can’t do much atm.
like the contrast between the boat and back ground. Hope you are on the mend after Covid, congrats on the 10 lbs though can think of better ways of losing weight. I’m in the same boat lost 5kg after op, got my appetite back now but still can’t do much atm.
Cheers Keith. Not out of the woods yet - still testing +ve. Just went were there was nobody else today.
Week 26 : Natural Abstract & Contrast Tech

A walk in the local woods with some strong low sunlight.

1. A bit of ICM

2. UP!