Painted Lady Butterfly

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I was surprised to see one this early in Lancashire and only had the one chance to photograph it with my Canon 24-105mm f4 L, I did have my macro lens/extension tubes/ring flash with me, but it literally closed it's wings after this and then flew away..

I wonder, could it possibly have overwintered here? I know they're not supposed to, but it was a very mild winter, and there were a lot of them around last year.
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I wonder, could it possibly have overwintered here? I know they're not supposed to, but it was a very mild winter, and there were a lot of them around last year.

I did wonder that myself but everything I read said that they don't overwinter/hibernate. I suppose it's possible it found it's way into a green house with plenty of flowers to feed on, it was a mild winter, and was able to produce caterpillars that survived. Either that or it's a very early arrival (as this looks to be a full grown adult)
It does look quite fresh and there are no reasons for it to not hibernate, just because the "experts" say they don`t hibernate does not mean they don`t.
Lovely stuff! Thought I saw one myself the other day (also in Lancashire) but didn't manage to get a shot of it