Pearl-bordered Fritillary and Duke of Burgundy

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Pearl-bordered Fritillaries are possibly my favourite butterflies to photograph. It's often possible to find them roosting on Gorse or Bracken early morning when it's cooler, so they stay put while I'm photographing them. This gave me a chance to have a play with the Canon R5's focus bracketing settings:

Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria euphrosyne) by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr

Pearl-bordered Fritillary Stack 002b by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr

This period of inactivity didn't last, and as the temperature climbed, they took flight.

Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria euphrosyne) by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr

Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria euphrosyne) by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr

After a couple of hours with the Pearls, I went to a nearby site for Duke of Burgundy. Earlier in the week I'd found an aberrant specimen with no white on the wing fringes or antennae. I found it again, and managed to get a photo of the underwings, showing that the silvery-white spots were largely replaced by dark brown. Quite a striking butterfly!

Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina), male by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr

Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina) by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr

And a couple of normal ones:

Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina), male by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr

Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina). by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr


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Super stuff Dave, lovely to see them and very nicely done. 1st, 4th and last are my favs
I've had quite a few of mine done, from A4 up to 20" x 16". I think it makes me appreciate them more.
I've had quite a few of mine done, from A4 up to 20" x 16". I think it makes me appreciate them more.

I find myself being over critical of my own stuff, something I need to get over I think. Every now and again I capture something I'm happy with!
I went back to the Pearl site this morning, as it was forecast for cool & misty weather so I was hoping to find butterflies perched again. I only found one this time after nearly an hour of searching, but it stayed still while I played with more focus bracketing. This is best so far (but I still have a lot to process; I need a faster PC!).

Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria euphrosyne) by Dave O'Brien, on Flickr
I find myself being over critical of my own stuff, something I need to get over I think. Every now and again I capture something I'm happy with!

I'm exactly the same! I can always find a flaw in every shot I take.