Photo Manipulation

Edit My Images
Hi Guys

When you guys take shots their seems to be a lot of work that seems to be carried out in the various image editing programmes.

Is their a set procedure as to the best way to carry this out, ie any correct order to sharpening, adjusting colours, contrast, brightness, or can this be carried out in any order??

Thanks Mike
I'll leave the rest to the experts but it's generally considered best to leave the sharpening to the end of your workflow.
There's no set order Mike - with the exception of sharpening which should really be the very last thing you do to an image. The reason for that is that if you sharpen an otherwise finished image, there's no danger of any subsequent contrast or level changes causing visible halos or other artifacts from sharpening previously applied.

This is particularly important when you reduce pics in size for web viewing. The original image should not have been sharpened prior to the reduction.
Mike Aiken said:
have little white flecks all over them.

Are you sure that's just due to not laying down dust sheets before you get the paint rollers out ? :D