Photoblog suggestions

Edit My Images
Over the coming months I'm going to write a photoblog section for my site. I'll probably use Chromasia's site as a reference point but I wanted to ask you guys what you think are the most important features for a photoblog site to have?

I can use the comments system I've already written for my site as it's easily portable. Does anyone know if PHP can read exif data from JPEGs? If not I'll just type the important stuff in by hand, it's not a big deal.

One of the things I'm agonising over is whether I'd be able to fit it in with the existing look and feel of the site or whether I should give it a plain white background and basically do it as a seperate mini-site with a link back to the main site. I really hate the idea of having two different look and feels but at the same time I realise that the current crop of colours would detract from the photos themselves. And I don't want the main site to be plain colours, before anyone suggests that.

Also, I wouldn't be able to post an image every day as I simply don't have enough throughput of good stuff. Is that bad form or is it ok? I know ultimately it's my blog so I can do what I like but it's best to be aware of conventions and standards wherever possible. Even if you choose to deliberately ignore them.

Edit: just had a read of the PHP manual and it would seem that it can indeed read Exif data.
Dave over at Chromasia doesn't take a photo a day - as I understand it, he may take a load but post them one at a time. For example, he's recently posted a load from his trip to London to meet other bloggers. He also has a choice of background - white/grey/black - but you being a web guru would know how that's done!

His pal's webby at uses a neutral grey - a sort of PS default that supposed not to be distracting.
It'll be good to see what you do. Pbase do a photo a day option but then the pressure's on...
Yer your curent site wouldn't really seem like a nice background for a photoblog. I setup a specific photoblog site as my weblog just wasn't what I wanted for my photography. My site has been designed to look like a typical gallery site and a photoblog, not just a photoblog. Its a customized Moveable Type install. Like chromasia I also post a photo a day, although recently I've just been too busy and forgot. I came to the same conclusion, that it isn't about going out and taking one photo a day but its about spreading out your content so you have a photo a day.
Pete - I agree, but I'm not sure I'd have enough for one per day even if I spread them out. I've started stockpiling stuff (as of yesterday) that I like so that once the photoblog's ready I have some in reserve. But that would only last a few weeks max I reckon. I guess there's no harm in digging back in the archives. As long as it hasn't been on the 'blog before then it's fair game, arguably.

One thing I might do is have a link underneath each image which shows the unprocessed "straight from the camera" version. What do people think? A useful comparison or ruining the magic?
I'd say it might ruin the magic. I'm sure some people would appreciate chromasia doing the same but it might take something away from his work. Trying to post one a day gives you incentive to get more content :)
I'll definitely try to post one a day. But I'm not gonna get hung up on it if I don't.

What do other people think of the idea of having an unprocessed version as a link? Would like to get an idea of concensus on this if possible.
I feel like I must be missing out on something here. The whole concept of 'photoblog' has passed me by until now.

I can probably take a guess at what this is all about but is there a faq somewhere? Google gives me too much information and tells me nothing. Who looks at photoblogs? Is there a community of people into this stuff? hmm like I said need a faq :)
Yeah I found that one myself, The faq section is awaiting repair to the database or something.
fingerz said:
One thing I might do is have a link underneath each image which shows the unprocessed "straight from the camera" version. What do people think? A useful comparison or ruining the magic?

Aww... C'mon guys... Just a few opinions on the subject. That's all I want. Pretty please? :)
fingerz said:
Aww... C'mon guys... Just a few opinions on the subject. That's all I want. Pretty please? :)

OK, OK!! :LOL:

Well I wouldn't have the unprocessed link. It's the final image which matters and how you got there is unimportant - except to other camera anoraks. As Pete says, it spoils the magic . ;)
I agree, its a magic sopiler.

However, if you wanted to, then I would personally find it beneficial to see both, with an explanation of how you 'got there'. I love reading stuff like that.