Photography Competition round 7 – Food and Drink – closing date 16th Oct



After giving it some thought Food and Drink has been chosen as the theme for the next round.

A picture of an apple or an orange, a bowl of fruit, a platter of cheese, fishermen landing their catch, a cook making a dish…try to think outside the box and be original. It’s up to you to use your creative skills but whatever you decide on, everyone should be able to enter this round again.

Rules and how to enter can be seen here

I hope this next round gets a good response. The last round had 18 excellent entries...lets see if we can get even more this time.
The competition link from the "site navigation" box on the home page needs updating..... got a tad confused trying to find this months comp from that link :nut: :icon_cool
sorted, was Steves fault, its always mine when i miss oversized images, so Steve can take that one on the chin
Should be a good one this. I'm already struggling to think of a suitable cheesy *groan* subject for the competition. Really gonna have to think outside the box for this one!
Well I doubt I am going to get time to enter but having glanced at the rules page I just wanted to say I think the anonymous entries with voting on the merits of the picture is a good format.

A certain 'other place' had explanations attached to the entries to justify inclusion to the theme - something I often complained about. Either it is a good picture on topic or it isn't.
I have been working away and with my home life currently in turmoil it is looking like I will not be able to enter this round. :( As I have some legitimate reasons I am ok but we fully expect everyone else to enter unless we recieve a note from your parents ;)
managed to get something, not very great but an entry's an entry :)
I won't be able to enter this round either guys. I will be sure to vote though as always. I haven't had my camera out at all in weeks. I have been really sick for the last two weeks. My kids as well. It's been awful. That's why I haven't been around the forums lately, not that any of you would notice I know,:p but I"m back to my old self once again. I'll be sure to enter next round! Good luck to all that do enter.

Cheers, Jewel

got mine in now too
Hasn't this round finished? Where are the pics then?:whistling
Well there was a distinct lack of them, I can tell

Lets just say the hosts won't be billing us for a bulging inbox.

A shockingly lax 5 entries this month.

I trust those that haven't entered, have notes from their parents or guardians excusing them?
If not, it'll be detention. ;)

I shall reveal the gallery in the morning with the details for voting :)

5???? Got a good chance of finishing in the top 5 this time then!

Very disappointing turnout though
EosD said:
Very disappointing turnout though

Yep, that really sucks! It wasn't a difficult subject either. :eyesup:
I had a shot in mind before the competition started but time just slipped away. Sorry guys :(
No probs Pete, you're a regular entrant anyway, and we all miss a round from time to time. :)
petemc said:
I had a shot in mind before the competition started but time just slipped away. Sorry guys :(
The same here I'm afraid. I do intend to still vote but very sorry for not putting in the extra effort in submitting a pic for this round.
I'll admit I too was laxawotsical about getting a shot in. Even though I'm the one managing this round, the closing date crept up on me!

I procrastinate too much (no saucy comments from the back thankyou :p)

Shall get the gallery up and running now so voting can commence.
Entries are now online and available for viewing here.

Voting closes in 1 week at 9pm Sunday.
Voting for your own entry is not allowed (so thats 3 out of 4 you have to choose)
All entrants must vote (all 5 of you)
Votes to be submitted to me via PM (All 5 of them), clearly showing the three pictures (out of the 5) chosen and the order in which placed.

<strike>I will find it very difficult to choose three this time</strike>.

Don't just vote straight away, think about the shots first, and give it due consideration and waste your vote willy nilly.

PS. There's only 5 shots to choose from, so it shouldn't take too long ;)


PPS. If anyone knows how many entrants there are could they let me know? I keep losing count.
Oops, just realised where this thread is, (the News section)....could we all grab our mugs of tea, and coats, and head on over to the chitchatchinwag forum, and continue the discussion in there? It has heaters, comfy chairs and chocolate hobnobs :)

Link here
they better be dark chocolate hobnobs, or im taking my ball and playing elsewhere
biscuit, or 'cookie' made from rolled oats and syrup mostly. And then covered with chocolate.

Also a verb meaning to associate with people of a higher social class.

also a nasty injury resulting from sex in the kitchen.
gandhi said:
also a nasty injury resulting from sex in the kitchen.
Making it almost impossible to seek medical attention :whistling