Tutorial Photography for Amazon & eBay

Garry Edwards

Garry Edwards
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Garry Edwards submitted a new resource:

Photography for Amazon & eBay - This is a quick, basic tutorial for people who are selling on this type of sales platform.

This is a quick, basic tutorial for people who are selling on this type of sales platform. Photography is just one of many elements that need to be right in order to achieve high sales.

I’m assuming here that you (or your client) is selling new products with good stock levels, which justifies the cost of decent photos – second-hand goods are a different matter entirely.

Each sales platform has its own rules. Amazon calls the shots in every area, eBay lets sellers make some decisions but...

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Nicely done Garry, that's ideal for pointing people towards instead of repeating ad infinitum. :) (y)
Nicely done Garry, that's ideal for pointing people towards instead of repeating ad infinitum. :) (y)
Thanks, that's the idea.
I wasn't sure whether to write it or not, simply because the standard involved (for the reasons given) is so far below what I consider to be the normal standard for product photography.

But this method does work and sales for this firm have gone through the roof since I created new photos, for about 80 different products.