Photos that didnt quite work!


TPer Emeritus
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We've all done it, got some cracking shots, and some real stinkers, but what about those shots that, had it been in focus, or full frame, or exposed correctly, would have been good shots?

Heres one of mine from today, if only i could focus properly!

Come on, dont be shy, lets see what you (nearly)got!:D
LOL That really would have been a good shot if you had got it mate ! :)

I have so many almost rans, unfortunately due to space restrictions i delete them now, plus i think Steve would get the a&&e as well, cos it would eat the bandwidth ! LOL
come on you chickens, post your :censored:
gah! thats the sort of the thing Milou, a shame indeed!
I delete all my badly OOF ones now. Never used to, but I'm starting to get quite disciplined, what with the new 350 and the introduction of a proper RAW workflow.
I'm starting to get quite brutal with myself and not keeping shots for keepings sake. (Unless they're family days out of course, which is a whole new ballgame :) )

That said, I think I do have some badun's (well hundreds of baduns really ;)) from previous shoots. Will try and dig some out tonight.
This one went wrong in a slightly different way, the problem was the model, not the equipment.
The Mrs doesn't like being photographed :annoyed:

I have hundreds of photos of just the back end of sports cars, that any good? :)
Not as good as my hundreds of photos of the back ends of women.

Oops did I say that out loud? :D
If they're as blurred as my car shots then that'll be a waste of HD space! lol
I've got so many crap photos I simply cannot single out one.
GfK said:
I've got so many crap photos I simply cannot single out one.

he he he, I'll second that one. Here is one that I really wanted to turn out. It was of my little girl in swimming lessons. She is usually painfully shy like her mama, doesn't show much excitement really,but this time she did it and was sooo proud. I failed to get the shot though, as you can see. Actually any shots I took at the indoor pool never turned out. :(
you got your settings right jewel, should have that little postcard type icon?
Jewel, I think your names for your pictures are causing the problems as well. The tags dont work if the file name has an underscore ( _ ) in it. Rename your picture and it should work fine. :)

Hope that helps?
ohhhh good one steve, never thought of that! you been reading the manual again??
Yup, nothing better to do, no mates, no food and no one loves me so I read manuals all day long ;)
nice sig there Steve....
Steve said:
Yup, nothing better to do, no mates, no food and no one loves me so I read manuals all day long ;)

awww, we here at the forums luvs ya Steve. Anyhoo,:whistling what do you mean that it won't work with and underscore in my filenames for my pics. I don't put a hyphen with my name after each pic title. My puter does that and I don't know why. example for this pic I just named it, "I did it". That's it. than it puts (-jewel) after it. How do I change that Steve?? Is that what your talking about?

no he means if you leave a space, the _ is added by M$, so dont leave a space, rename the file ididit.jpg
Beaten to it by long as you are happy with the naming system on your PC Jewel, then on upload to the gallery you can specify a different name for the photo and it will rename it for you ;)

With regards to my signature..I will be sticking with U2 for the near future but the lyrics will get a little more obscure. I think they will get more difficult to get unless you are using google ;)
dont need google for todays, best U2 song ever in the world so there.
EosD said:
dont need google for todays, best U2 song ever in the world so there.

Useless info for you..during most of the POP tour whenever he sung the song he changed the last line from "to the leapers in your head" to "I did". Strangely it works extremely well although completely changing the tone and meaning of the song for me.
This has gone completely off topic, but, I saw U2 at Roundhay Park 14th August 1993 on the ZooTV tour. They played most of the stuff off the Joshua Tree album and it was fookin awesome. :woot:

Oh, and he (well, 'macphisto') phoned John Gummer who was some MP or other at the time. His wife said he wasn't in. :D

We need to start a U2 thread. :ponders:
Think most of you have seen this before ! My attempt at lightning before i got the tripod, hand held for 20 seconds against the window frame ! LOL Wanted to capture the lightning behind and with the tower, but failed miserably ! LOL

Dunno, that's bloody sharp for a hand-held 20s exposure!
Steve said:
Useless info for you..during most of the POP tour whenever he sung the song he changed the last line from "to the leapers in your head" to "I did". Strangely it works extremely well although completely changing the tone and meaning of the song for me.

thanks Steve, thats filed in the 'trivia' section of my brain, pushing a little more maths or french out the other side...:D
An old trick if you have a lens hood fitted, as long as it's not one those petal shaped ones, is push the lens hood up tight against the glass and hold it there during the exposure.

It's also useful if you want to take a flash shot through glass. :)
IanC_UK said:
Actually just checked the exif, was 15seconds ! LOL

Window frame was pressed into use but i was real uncomfortable !

15 SECONDS :shock: ....... Let may say that again... [size=+2]15 SECONDS[/size] [size=+2]:shock: [/size]

Maybe you died and rigor mortis set in. :LOL: ....... :coat:

Impressive...... :thumb:
