Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Family members in mid conversation. 20mm at f2.5, available light.


This is why I love this camera. I couldn't have taken this shot with my Ixus or even with my LX2 and have got such a clean, natural looking and detailed shot (this is a heavy crop and it's still easily big enough for a nice framed print.) I couldn't have got this shot with my SLR as if I'd had it with me and tried everyone would have run for cover.

The GF1 is the best non SLR digital camera I've used.
Family members in mid conversation. 20mm at f2.5, available light.


This is why I love this camera. I couldn't have taken this shot with my Ixus or even with my LX2 and have got such a clean, natural looking and detailed shot (this is a heavy crop and it's still easily big enough for a nice framed print.) I couldn't have got this shot with my SLR as if I'd had it with me and tried everyone would have run for cover.

The GF1 is the best non SLR digital camera I've used.

Did you use the in built flash, if not good light :)

I think its funny how you pointed out they were family members following the Meldrew incident :LOL:

No flash. There's a window to the left of the shot but the room is still quite dim.
I have put my Panasonic Leica 45mm Macro back up for sale if anyone is interested under classifieds. Cracking lens for both the GF1 and G1 and it AF's as well
That is a crazy low price!! I would have taken it at that price!! Very generous of you. :)

Half of price I paid, I'm not going to use it now I have G1 as well as GF1....I just didn't want it lying around gathering dust.
My 5d2 is seeing less use these days. In fact the only time I use it is for commissions and deliverables.
One of my recent shots of the huuuuuge Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank. This one taken with a polariser and 10-stop ND filter and the 20mm 1.7 lens, with step-up rings to take the filter thread up to the 77mm I needed. It's a 1 minute exposure in manual mode at f/13 as the telescope tilted about.

The GF1 goes up to 1 minute exposures after which you need bulb mode and a remote release which I had handy as well just in case.
Nice pic Tobers - need to try some more interesting 10 stop ND shots.

Seems to have been loads of Panasonic M4/3 stuff in the classifieds recently!
My daft mutt, Jake.
Follows me round everywhere. We reckon he knows im not well.

The Birds!!!

Getting to like the silohette(sp) feature.
Great to see you up with pics again, keep it up mate

By the way nice pics too.(y)
Normally you wouldn't see a shirtless man brandishing a couple of swords in Glasgow city centre until the pubs had closed.....


Either an art installation or I went in the back door at Currys by mistake....


Texting at the GoMa in front of another "art installation"

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Cool, thanks KayJay.

Robb - you not replaced those dodgy forks yet? :p

Visited Lancaster Priory the other day with my GF1 and 50mm 1.4. Very dingy in there and no tripod so had to stick to 1.4 most of the time.





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Cool, thanks KayJay.

Robb - you not replaced those dodgy forks yet? :p

need to replace me before i reach the limit of the forks.
New lens first, then forks at christmas.

Nice pics of the priory. whats their rule on using tripods?
need to replace me before i reach the limit of the forks.
New lens first, then forks at christmas.

Nice pics of the priory. whats their rule on using tripods?

Don't forget the Fork Handles at Christmas:LOL:
Grum....lovely pics of the Lancaster Priory, what a wonderful lens the 20mm is ..
Thanks Robb and Dave (the 20mm is lovely - these are with my Canon FD 50mm 1.4 though Dave ;) ).

Not sure about their policy on tripods tbh - just popped in there on my way back from town.
How much is the adaptor for a canon, Am i write in thinking the 50mm is then equivalent of 100mm on the GF1

Only thing the puts me off is Manual focusing but i suppose it's because i'm from the era thats never had to really do that :) Great Pics by the way one day i hope i'm half as decent
You can get x10 magnification when you focus so it might not be as bad as you think.
Thanks Nadeem :)

Oh dear got the Grum effect double post


The adapter is about £20 off ebay - takes a while to deliver but otherwise fine.

The lens was about £45 also on ebay.

Probably worth giving it a go as you will be able to resell the lens for about what you pay for it. I've never used manual focus before either but I have to say I really enjoy it - You get a nice tactile hands on feeling, and they look cool on the camera ;)

You can press in the adjustment dial to get the zoom which makes accurate focussing pretty easy really. For faster moving stuff I just use the zoomed out display and it's a bit more hit and miss.

I use MF lenses most of the time in A mode, so the camera sets the shutter speed, you just need to focus and set the Aperture manually on the lens. The focus rings are generally a lot nicer to use than the electronic ones on the M4/3 lenses.
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